Ultra Courses – Gradebook and Analytics Instructions

Instruction pages provide general-purpose information and walkthroughs on how to use specific Blackboard Ultra features, functions, or settings. 

Use Instruction pages if you need a step-by-step guide to accomplishing a specific task in Blackboard Ultra, if you want a technical description of a particular Blackboard Ultra tool, or if you are trying to troubleshoot a feature that is not working the way that you expected. 

Gradebook and Analytics Instructions

  • Ultra Course - AttendanceThe Attendance tool allows instructors to set attendance grading rules, enter attendance for each class meeting, and import attendance grades into the Blackboard gradebook. 
  • Ultra Course - Exceptions and ExemptionsExceptions and Exemptions are gradebook tools that allow instructors to make a one-time change to assignment settings for an individual student, such as changing a due date or allowing an extra attempt to account for personal circumstances. 
  • Ultra Course - GradebookThe gradebook can be used to manage and record student grades throughout the semester.  Grade columns are automatically added when you create an assignment, exam, journal or discussion.
    • Ultra Course - Gradebook SettingsThe gradebook settings menu allows instructors to create and set course tool preferences that apply to all graded items within a course. 
  • Ultra Course - Gradebook CalculationsCalculations (formerly "calculated columns") can be used to combine and display data from multiple columns, categories, or other calculations in the gradebook. 
  • Ultra Course - Gradebook Submissions
  • Ultra Course - Grade SchemasGrade schemas control how grades are displayed to students in the gradebook. This page shows how to create and edit schemas in the gradebook settings. 
  • Ultra Course - Grading RubricsA rubric is a scoring tool that helps evaluate and clearly defines the various aspects and criteria expected in a graded assignment. 
    • AI Rubric GeneratorBlackboard's new rubric generator is part of the Blackboard Learn "AI Design Assistant," which is now featured in Ultra view. This guide shows how the design assistant can generate full assessment rubrics from an assignment description.
  • Ultra Course - Grading Student SubmissionsThis page details how to access student submissions and enter feedback on manually graded assessments in Blackboard. 
  • Ultra Course - Overall GradeThe Overall Grade column in the Blackboard Ultra gradebook is used to combine and weight all individual graded items into a single overall score. This guides gives an overview of the settings options available for calculating and weighting overall grades, and for displaying the overall grade to students. 
  • Ultra Course - Progress TrackingProgress Tracking is a tool that allows students and instructors to track a student's progress with respect to the student's interaction with content in a course.

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