V-Ray Materials Library - Adding materials to a lab computer
Here are the steps to add materials using V-Ray 6 for Rhino.
On the Rhino menu bar, click V-Ray > Asset Editor. (If V-Ray doesn't appear, first choose Render > Current Renderer > V-Ray for Rhino.)
Click the left arrow to expand the Materials side panel.
Click 'Browse Materials in Cosmos'.
The Chaos Cosmos Browser window will open. In order to download materials, you have to sign in. Click 'Sign in'. (Create a free account if you don't have one.)
After signing in, the Sign in link will change to a profile badge.
Before downloading materials, change the download location; otherwise you will get the error "No access to downloads folder".
To change the location, click the three dots and choose Settings.
Click Change and choose a new location. We suggest using a folder within your 'OneDrive - Syracuse University' location.
Now you should be able to download materials and import them into your project.
keywords: vray rhino