Coursework Archiving
Add your files to the appropriate course folders on the G drive, located at G:\ARCH-Filer\Archive Student Work\.
2024 Fall Coursework Archiving
Don’t over archive - check with your instructor as to actual archiving requirements. In general, archive final submissions for all projects but not process work.
Avoid oversizing - use reasonable file size and image resolution limits - see section 1 below
Simplify file naming - use a subfolder & file name strategy as per your course instructor
1. File Properties
What types of files should be archived? See below:
Recommendations | pdf, jpg, tif, mp4 | Don’t Archive: 3dm, 3ds, ai, dwg, indd |
File Sizes | ≤ 5mb typical | 30mb for large .pdf final boards |
Resolution | ≤ 300ppi typical | 200ppi generally adequate |
2. Folders
Folders for each course are located here:
Location |
G:\ARCH-Filer\Archive Student Work\2024 Fall\ |
3. Subfolders
Create subfolders as needed within a course folder. Your instructor may provide instructions.
Folder Names | Possible Strategies - Coordinate with instructor |
A) By student | “\Lastname, F\” or “\Lastname-Firstname\” |
B) By groups | “\Grp1\” or “\NetID1-NetID2\” |
C) By project or assignment | “\Prj1\” or “\Ex1.1\” or “\04-Final Review\” |
4. All File Names
Name your files using a consistent method.
Semester-Course#-Section# | Always use double-dash “--“ | NetID(s)** |
24S-###-## | --sort condition-- | netid.ext netid-netid.ext |
4a. File name Examples
Sort conditions | Subfolder | File name |
(A) By student | …\Arens,S\ | 24S-ARC208-01--Prj3-Model-01of10--sarens.jpg |
(B) By group | …\Grp1\ | 24S-ARC500-01--Prj2-Dwg1-v01--sarens-mcbrown.pdf |
(C) By project | …\Prj2\ | 24S-ARC409-01--20240328-Board1-v01--sarens.pdf |