Brand Value Proposition and Positioning Pillars

Please note: value proposition language will not appear verbatim in any external communications, rather the central ideas should guide the development and design of our expressions and experiences.

Value propositions are aligned to the overall Syracuse University brand strategy through complementary messaging and concrete proof points, and are geared to help the schools emphasize their unique selling points. The developed value proposition defines the distinct values, benefits, and communicate of the school or college's key offerings while reinforcing the University’s position relative to its peers. These value propositions will serve as a strategic lens for future marketing and communication efforts at the school/college level while advancing the One University vision. 

  • Value Proposition   Defines the distinct value, benefits or impact of key offerings while reinforcing the University’s position relative to peers. 

  • Positioning Pillars: Syracuse University strategic pillars serve as a framework to identify strengths and proof points aligned with Purposeful Education, Participatory Approach, Proud Community and Powerful Network.

All School & College Value Propositions

School of Education Brand Value Proposition

Advance the future of teaching, learning and instruction
with the Syracuse University School of Education,
where transformative, equitable and inclusive research and practice open new possibilities
to influence the next generation of educators, learners and leaders, locally and globally

Positioning Pillars

Purposeful Education

We transform education through equity-driven interdisciplinary research, experiential pedagogy and antiracist and inclusive practices.

Participatory Approach

We contribute our knowledge and expertise—digitally or in person—to promote dynamic, effective and engaging learning experiences for all.

Proud Community

We foster a safe, welcoming and proud community that supports diverse perspectives and distinct potential.

Powerful Network

We leverage our growing and committed global network to support and mentor the next generation of scholars, educators and leaders.