SOE Visual Identity

Anyone using Syracuse University and/or School of Education branding MUST follow branding policies and use only approved artwork. The brands of Syracuse University, the School of Education, and other units use a single visual identity to represent the University and connect the experiences and emotions of faculty, staff, students, alumni, families, and community. 

Syracuse University marks, templates, artwork, and other assets are for internal purposes only, and any other uses require additional permissions. Any individual, business, or organization wishing to use the University’s trademarks, verbiage, references, or likeness requires written approval from the  Office of Trademark Licensing

School of Education Visual Identity

The SU and SOE visual identity includes the logos, colors, and typeface/fonts used in University and School materials including but not limited to brochures, pamphlets, booklets, posters, fliers, memos, letters, forms, business cards, email, and electronic communications.

These materials are created and used by departments and offices within the school and should retain consistency about the Syracuse University and School brands. This includes use of the School of Education lockup/logo.  Several color variations are available for use on white, orange, blue, and dark backgrounds. A version for small spaces only (like banner images) is also available.

syracuse university school of education logo
syracuse university school of education logo


SOE Centers

Logos are available for download for the following centers:

Departments, academic programs, research projects, and other programs are not eligible to have their own logo. Please email or with any questions.

Using Lockups/Logos Correctly

  • The SOE lockup/logo should never be edited, stretched, skewed, recolored, or recreated in text. Only official files should be used as downloaded.

  • The lockup/logo must adhere to the same same spacing, sizing, color, accessibility, and other guidelines as the Syracuse University logo

  • School of Education materials should also adhere to the color usage and accessibility guidelines for the University brand.

  • There are some cases where the Syracuse University branding should be used instead of SOE. This includes partnerships among several schools/colleges/units on campus.

  • Unless otherwise discussed with SOE marketing, the only visual representation of Syracuse University to be used is the Primary Syracuse University Logo.

    • The Block S on its own, University Seal, or laurel graphics should never be used in place of the primary logo.

    • Otto or athletic-style "Syracuse" or "CUSE" block letters should also not be used to represent the University brand in SOE contexts.

Outdated Branding to Avoid

  • Below are some previous versions of School of Education and Syracuse University branding.

  • These logos are outdated and should NOT be used under any circumstances—they include any version of the SOE logo using an orange square; with light blue or grey text; logos without the block S; a sans-serif font; or old versions of the SU Seal.