Some of the most common issues that we see emailed in to soehelp and their resolutions. 

I can't access the G drive or any SU websites from my SU computer off-campus

First you will want to check your home Internet connection to ensure network access is stable

  • Visit or and run the tests there. The higher the down/up speeds the better and the lower the latency/ping numbers the better. You can send these results in to soehelp for further assistance.

  • Ensure you can visit other websites such as,, etc.

  • If all devices on your network are experiencing issues sometimes a restart of your modem and/or router can help resolve network connections. If not please contact your Internet Service Provider for support.

For PC clients:

  1.  Try the "airplane mode trick"

  2. Force the Device Tunnel to reconnect:

    • Open Start menu, type CMD, then select the Command Line

    • On the command line, type the line below exactly

      • rasdial.exe "SU Device Tunnel VPN"

    • Hit Enter to execute the command

    • It may return a message saying that the service is already connected. This is normal.

    • After another minute or so, you should be able to access the G: drive reliably, and Outlook should function as expected

If possible, bring the laptop to campus and restart while connected to SUAD/AirOrangeX to receive updates to help resolve the VPN connection issues

For Mac clients:

  1. Verify that you are connected to the OpenVPN connection , if you need to install on your managed mac Mac Device Tunnel

  2. Quit NoMad (it will automatically relaunch) and should reconnect your FileServers

Outlook is freezing/crashing/unresponsive working from home

After the email migration to SUmail the preferred method for Outlook to connect is to use what is called "Cached Exchange Mode". This was not a default option that was enabled and so now some clients may experience connection issues with Outlook. ITS is working on a University wide solution for this but in the mean time a manual change can be made on the client side. See how to enable this setting.

Some key notes about this setting:

  • It will now store email locally on your computer taking up disk space

  • We suggest starting with a cached timeframe of 3-6 months. You will still be able to search old emails beyond this date they will just not be stored on your laptop.

  • The timeframe of cached emails can be adjusted later on so start with a shorter timeframe if possible and make changes as needed.

  • After enabling this setting it may appear that all email has disappeared. This is Outlook re-syncing emails and everything will reappear in time as Outlook downloads your emails.

Adobe DC is in trial mode or keeps popping up asking to sign in

Adobe DC is now user licensed which means clients will need to sign in periodically to reactivate the software. If you are stuck in a trial mode you will need to use the Help menu and select Sign Out. From there you should be able to sign back in with your SU email address and password. Learn more about how to sign in to Adobe.

Fillable PDF forms sometimes do not show the filled in data

Fillable PDFs need to always be filled out with Adobe DC. This can be the Pro/DC version we have licensed on campus or the free Reader version anyone can get.

Most issues we see are students or outside clients utilizing Preview on mac, Browsers, or some other application to fill out PDFs. While these do let you fill in the forms they do not save properly when they are then viewed on Adobe DC for other users. We strongly encourage everyone to use Adobe Reader/DC to minimize these problems.

There are times where the form is still not showing the filled in fields properly. There is a bug with Adobe where it does not display the fields correctly. To fix this follow the steps below:

  • Open up Adobe DC/Acrobat

  • Click Edit and then select Preferences

    • If you are on a Mac select "Acrobat Pro DC" in the menu bar and then Preferences

  • In this pop up window select the Forms section on the right side.

  • Uncheck the box that says "Show border hover color for fields"

  • Click OK and re-open the PDF.

The PDF should now display the filled in forms without the default blue highlight color covering it up.




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