
  • Graduate School Awards Form

  • Registrar Trainings (work with SOE IT to determine which trainings are relevant to your position)

  • Research Resources

On This Page

Graduate Assistantship Letters

GA letters will come to the business office from departments with an information form. The below information describes the handling process of these letters.

  1. Review the information form and letter for completeness and that they match

  2. Record the information form in the appropriate Graduate Financial Aid spreadsheet on G:\SOE\FinancialAid-Scholarships

  3. Place the letter in the Dean's Mailbox in the Dean's Office. The letter will be signed and placed in the Executive Assistant's mailbox for pick up by the Business Office

  4. Scan a copy of the letter and save it to G:\SOE\BUSINESS SERVICES\Grad Assistantships in the relevant AY folder. Save using "last name, first name SUID" naming scheme. In the event that there are revised letters use the previous naming scheme and "-Revised m/d/yy" 

  5. Return the letter to the department

  6. If the offer is accepted a PIN will be needed by Grad Awards for placement of the GA into a relevant postion. Run an Open/Filled PIN report and identify appropriate PINs ensuring the relevant department. Filter by Job Code. Provide Graduate School with PINs as needed

    1. Grad Asstship - Teaching: Job Code 9999

    2. Grad Asstship - Research: Job Code 9988

    3. Grad Asstship - Admin: Job Code 9843

Reconfigure Student Award

Student awards, Assistantships, and Fellowships are often broken evenly across multiple terms. In some instances a student will need more support in a specific term. In order to support the student, faculty advisors can reconfigure the graduate award using a Reconfigure Form.

In order to reconfigure a student's credit allocation please use the Reconfigure Form located on the Protected: Graduate Awards Information - Graduate – Syracuse University website.

Forms must be submitted by the Business Office.  Forms submitted directly to Grad Awards from students will not be processed.

For more information about this document please contact the graduate school at


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