This document describes how customers will use the Orange Tracker (OT) customer online portal. Anyone who creates a ticket and requests help from a project support team is a customer. Customers can be students, faculty, staff, alumni, and external users. Creating a ticket or raising a request is typically done through email by sending a message to the project.
New functionality will be added, in the near future, to enable searching for knowledge base articles to self serve your problem and to raise requests with specific service teams.
Signing into the Customer Portal
Open a web browser and go to the following link:
Click on the Log in button in the upper right-hand corner
- Syracuse University members, use your 'netid@syr.edu' email address at the top of the login screen. Do not try to login with Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Slack.

- External users may use their email address they used to raise a request, or create a new account
- Existing users will use their Atlassian account to complete the login process
Viewing Requests
Once you are logged in, you can view all your requests from the Requests button in the upper right-hand corner

Clicking on one the the links will display all your requests, in all projects. Here you can search by keywords and filter by status

Clicking on one of the issues will bring up the request where you can follow up if needed.

Searching for Articles - Future Function
Customer portal users will be able to search the knowledge base and find articles to solve the problem they are having.
Raise a Request - Future Function
Customer portal users to be able to submit a request for help with certain project teams.