Azure VPN

Syracuse University provides the Azure VPN service as a multi-factor VPN solution for access to specific systems and services on campus. The Azure VPN is intended to support use scenarios that are not covered by other Remote Access methods. 

Once a use scenario is in place for access to a specific system or service, please use the instructions below to install the Azure VPN client. 


If you believe you need access to this solution, please work with your academic or administrative support personnel as this solution is not open and available to all users.


Installation and configuration of the Azure VPN

Windows 10 Install

  • Once installed, launch the client, press the plus symbol in the lower left corner and choose Import from the provided options.


    image of install window from windows 10 Azure Vpn install
    image of install window from windows 10 Azure VPN install



  • Use the XML file provided below to import the SU VPN settings:

    Syracuse University Azure VPN Configuration File.xml  


  • Save the newly imported settings.



  • Click Connect to start the VPN connection.



  •  You might be prompted to authenticate to the VPN using your Microsoft MFA credentials (your SUMail email address and current NetID password). Follow the on-screen instructions for your device.




  • When prompted to "Stay signed in to all your apps", uncheck ‘Allow my organization to manage my device’ and choose  No, sign in to this app only

  •  Congratulations! You are now connected to the Azure VPN.

macOS Install

  1. Once installed, launch the client, press the “plus” symbol in the lower left corner and choose Import from the provided options.




  2. Use the XML file provided below to import the SU VPN settings:

     Syracuse University Azure VPN Configuration File.xml

  3. Save the newly imported settings.



  4. Click Connect to start the VPN connection.



  5.  You might be prompted to authenticate to the VPN using your Microsoft MFA credentials (your SUMail email address and current NetID password). Follow the on-screen instructions for your device. Screen shots below are from an iOS device:



  6. Depending on the machine configuration, you might be prompted to allow the Azure VPN client access to your network configurations. Choose Allow.

  7.  Congratulations! You are now connected to the Azure VPN.

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