
Coming soon!

  • Navigating Appointments
    • Manage / Calendar / New Appointment / Check-in Kiosk / Waiting Room
  • In Person Appointments versus Virtual on Handshake
  • Building Appointment Blocks
  • Assigning Appointment Types to your Appointment Blocks/Self
  • Facilitating Appointments
Appointment Types & Mediums

There are two main appointment types for students, Scheduled (~30 minutes) and Drop In (15 minutes). Each school or college may have its own implementation style of these appointments, but Drop In length is universal. Students are also required to make a scheduled appointment 24 hours in advance.

 Appointment Preferences in Handshake

Please do not make changes to appointment preferences without first consulting with These are global settings, so; changes to this space will make changes for all campus users, not just your particular school/college.

Type (Scheduled) – 30 minutes

Syracuse University Core Appointments

When building your Career Center and/or your Appointment Types in Handshake, please be aware that Syracuse University Career Services has established core appointment types by researching and crowdsourcing the available appointment types across campus since 2018.Upon further investigation, Syracuse University Career Services has created the following guideline to setting up your Career Center in Handshake.

Core Appointment Types

  1. Career Pathways and Exploration: All major exploration, general questions, graduate school inquiries, or related.
  2. Interview Preparation or Mock Interview: All conversations regarding preparing for an interview or providing mock interviews. Pre-appointment messaging to students should recommend engagement with Big Interview.
  3. Job Offers and Negotiation Skills: All conversations regarding negotiating an active or pending job offer.
  4. Networking Strategies, Tools, and Engagement: All conversations around brand management, professional social media engagement, alumni engagement, mentorship opportunities, or related. Pre-appointment messaging to students should recommend engagement with completing their Handshake Profile to 100% and Firsthand.
  5. Resume and Cover Letter Preparation OR
    1. Resume, Cover Letter, or Portfolio Preparation: All opportunities for professional documentation preparation, including, but not limited to, graduate school application reviews. When relevant, pre-appointment messaging to students should recommend engagement with VMock.
  6. Job, Internship, Co-op Search Strategy: All conversations regarding how to approach the job, internship, research, co-op, or related experience strategies. This includes, but not limited to, opportunities for research experience for undergraduates (REU's), Invent@SU, and related. Pre-appointment messaging to students should recommend engagement with completing their Handshake Profile to 100%.

These appointment types define the core business of Career Services at Syracuse University and reflect directly to our Syracuse University Shared Competencies.

Core Appointment Time Frames

Each of the above Appointment Types should allow for a minimum of 30 minutes with each student. This is a balanced enough time to allow for students to be given holistic attention to their career development experience with your office, while also allowing your office to reach a reasonable population of students in your scope by the end of each semester or academic year.


If your team expertise deems a new appointment type should be created due to the specificity of your office, please feel free to create additional appointment types with their appropriate time frames as your team feels is necessary. However, please be advised, that the above core appointment types will be assessed annually by Syracuse University Career Services and should remain consistent throughout campus.

Appointment Type Style

It is highly recommended that appointment types are setup in Handshake to reflect subject matter content only. This is due to the way Handshake records historical data.

For example: Appointments associated to specific staff individuals will become hard to manage through data assessment if there is any average-level of turnover in any given office. If an appointment type is updated with a new individual's name, each historical reference to the appointment data sets in Handshake would have incomplete or inconsistent data.

Type (Drop In) – 15 minutes

While you will find each S/C refer to Drop In workflows differently, in general, these are used for very quick and emergency needs. Often, these appointments may cover quick emails to employers, resume reviews, cover letter reviews, or support leveraging Handshake. That being said, these appointments are often used to encourage a student to make a follow-up Scheduled appointment to support their needs further and continue to build student-advisor relationships.


Available Mediums

Mediums allow for each Career Advisor to include the format an appointment will be conducted.

While all of the above formats are available to choose from, when possible and depending on your workflow, utilizing Virtual on Handshake in place of Teams or Zoom will allow you and the student to remain in the Handshake platform. This will support a streamlined and user-friendly experience for the student.

Mediums can be assigned to each Appointment Block you create in Handshake. It is up to you and your office which block may have a specific medium or appointment type assigned to it.

For further information on Appointment Blocks, see:

Appointment Availability

Appointment availability for any career advisor is most easily established by referencing your performance or job description expectations as it relates to the percentage of your job expectation which should exist for direct student support or career advising. Understanding this percentage will help you understand how many hours per week you should have available for your Appointment Block setup in Handshake. For more information, please connect with your direct supervisor or human resources.

Default Search Filters

We’ll use the Jobs tab for this example. This is the same process for this section as well.

First, create your search:

  1. Click Jobs on the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. You will see toward the left of the screen a list of filters you can use to create the criteria for your search.  Filters include items such as Job Type, Salary Type, School Year, etc.  Select the criteria for your search.  You will see that the list of Jobs change as you narrow your search by adding additional criteria.

Next, follow these steps if you’d like to save your search results:

  1. Click Save These Filters.
    1. Remember, by saving your search you are saving the criteria for the search, not the data the search yielded.  The jobs meeting this criteria could possibly change from day to day.
  2. Enter a Name and Description of your search and click Save.

Save filters preview

Lastly, follow these steps if you’d like to make your search filters your default search filter:

  1. Click My Saved Filters.
  2. A My Saved Filters window will appear.  Click the three ellipses next to the saved search of your choice. Choose Set as Default.
  3. DO NOT PRESS "APPLY FILTERS". Instead, refresh the page.
  4. Your search in now your default search. Each time you return to the page, you will only see these set preferences.
    1. Feel free to remove certain searches as you need or set new default searches as needed.

saved filters for job postings

Pro Tip!

Did you provide support In Person or through Email to a student without scheduling an appointment?

Add it as a Drop In!

You can manually create appointments using Calendar in Handshake. Make sure to uncheck All under Staff Members and only have your name checked then save preferences at the bottom of the list so that only the schedules you're interested in seeing are shown the next time you return to Calendar.

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