

Analytics in Handshake

Best Practices

When working with Handshake Analytics, it's important to consider the overarching goals of Syracuse University (re: DEIA Strategic Plan) and then your departmental goals and expectations. Each report should include and begin with the overarching demographic data points needed to meet the DEIA Strategic Plan expectations on reporting and program assessment.

 To accomplish this, from Handshake Analytics:

To accomplish this, from Handshake Analytics:

  1. Student
    1. + Email - Institution
    2. + Ethnicity
    3. + Gender
  2. Student Work Authorization
    1. + Name
  3. All other fields are at your discretion, however, at a minimum, best practices would follow the above with:
    1. Student College (at Appt. Time)
      1. + Name
    2. Student Majors (at Appt. Time)
      1. +Name
    3. Student School Year (at. Appt. Time)
      1. +Name

Default Search Filters

We’ll use the Jobs tab for this example. This is the same process for this section as well.

First, create your search:

  1. Click Jobs on the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. You will see toward the left of the screen a list of filters you can use to create the criteria for your search.  Filters include items such as Job Type, Salary Type, School Year, etc.  Select the criteria for your search.  You will see that the list of Jobs change as you narrow your search by adding additional criteria.

Next, follow these steps if you’d like to save your search results:

  1. Click Save These Filters.
    1. Remember, by saving your search you are saving the criteria for the search, not the data the search yielded.  The jobs meeting this criteria could possibly change from day to day.
  2. Enter a Name and Description of your search and click Save.

Save filters preview

Lastly, follow these steps if you’d like to make your search filters your default search filter:

  1. Click My Saved Filters.
  2. A My Saved Filters window will appear.  Click the three ellipses next to the saved search of your choice. Choose Set as Default.
  3. DO NOT PRESS "APPLY FILTERS". Instead, refresh the page.
  4. Your search in now your default search. Each time you return to the page, you will only see these set preferences.
    1. Feel free to remove certain searches as you need or set new default searches as needed.

saved filters for job postings

Analyzing your Report

Visit /wiki/spaces/CSHUB/overview to learn more about LinkedIn Learning opportunities to build on your reporting skills.

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Direct from Syracuse University

See above video for:

  • Navigating Analytics
    • Reports
    • Schedules
    • Show Favorites Only
  • Create Report
    • Visible to You versus Visible to Syracuse University
    • Copying and Saving Reports
    • Navigating Analytics
    • Foundational Metrics
    • Leveraging Labels and Filters
  • Downloading your Report

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