95 Activities for Mastering Social Work Skills

  1. Research eligibility requirements for services outside the agency

  2. Take public transportation from home to the Department of Social Services

  3. Walk around a neighborhood where many clients live

  4. Spend a day at a food pantry

  5. Visit the shelters in the community

  6. Spend an afternoon at a WIC clinic

  7. Assess client suitability for particular treatment (ex., group)

  8. Assess a client using an eco-map or other assessment tool to determine strengths and intervention needs

  9. Provide information to client regarding policies and services of the agency

  10. Explain managed care benefits and policies to client

  11. Complete “hot line” training or suicide prevention training

  12. Assess the nature and severity of a client’s crisis situation

  13. Assess a client’s use of alcohol, illegal drugs or prescribed medication

  14. Assess the impact of addiction on client’s family

  15. Perform a mental status exam

  16. Obtain and formally write up a client’s biopsychosocial history

  17. Assess the significance of cultural background to a client

  18. Assess the significance of spiritual beliefs to a client

  19. Gather and verify information about a client from collateral sources

  20. Identify client’s use of defense mechanisms

  21. Administer standardized instruments to measure client symptoms or behaviors

  22. Assess client symptoms using DSM criteria

  23. Develop a treatment plan based on diagnostic assessment

  24. Assess need for Child Abuse Report

  25. Assess parenting skills

  26. Assess client’s ability to perform daily living skills

  27. Develop measurable objectives to assess client change

  28. Develop a time frame for intervention

  29. Help parents to understand child development

  30. Engage client in goal setting

  31. Describe (in supervision) developmental issues relevant to client

  32. Process recording of observed intervention

  33. Process recording of own intervention

  34. Process recording of staff meeting

  35. Teach client communication skills

  36. Teach client daily living skills

  37. Arrange transportation for a client

  38. Assist client to understand the implications of a medical or psychological report

  39. Assist client to obtain needed resources

  40. Update agency resource manual

  41. Develop a resource list for a client for a particular problem

  42. Observe a medication review

  43. Observe parent interaction with children

  44. Observe clients in classrooms or other group settings

  45. Arrange for interpretation services for a client

  46. Observe family court sessions

  47. Observe a group and describe interaction patterns

  48. Help group members understand their patterns of interaction

  49. Develop curriculum for a group

  50. Help a client advocate for their rights

  51. Provide outreach services

  52. Make home visits

  53. Provide case management or intensive case management

  54. Refer clients for services

  55. Follow up on referrals

  56. Write a discharge or transfer summary

  57. Provide feedback to client about progress toward goals

  58. Provide testimony in court

  59. Provide testimony at a public hearing

  60. Write a letter to the editor regarding a service issue

  61. Write a letter to state or federal representatives advocating for resources

  62. Write an article for the agency newsletter

  63. Participate in the planning of a workshop or conference

  64. Collaborate with other to address a community need

  65. Participate as a member of an interdisciplinary team

  66. Participate as a member of a multi-agency team

  67. Facilitate a team meeting

  68. Provide an in-service training

  69. Participate in QA processes such as chart reviews

  70. Prepare budget materials

  71. Participate in development or revision of agency policy manuals

  72. Advocate for policy change

  73. Develop and write proposals for funding

  74. Review proposals for funding

  75. Develop program brochures

  76. Make presentations in the community “selling” the agency or its programs

  77. Develop measurable outcomes for evaluating a program

  78. Review contracts to monitor agency compliance

  79. Use research to support program planning

  80. Create an organizational flow chart

  81. Redesign an agency form

  82. Analyze relative costs of service program alternatives

  83. Recruit volunteers

  84. Provide training to volunteers or staff

  85. Provide supervision to volunteers or staff

  86. Conduct performance appraisals of volunteers or staff

  87. Participate in hiring interviews

  88. Attend board meeting

  89. Cover a shift at the receptionist desk

  90. Read the Code of Ethics of other professionals working on the team

  91. Journal

  92. Participate in an intern peer support group: take turns chairing the meeting

  93. Attend community cultural events related to the cultural background of current clients

  94. Attend religious services at a faith community which is part of many client’s support system

  95. Organize an activity or field trip for residents or participants