Ten Tips to Encourage Community and Policy Practice in Generalist Settings


  1. Have a student identify one or more community groups operating either in the client or agency area (if they differ), and have the student attend a meeting or function to learn about community initiatives and to introduce themselves to the community.

  2. Have students do a brief “window” survey of the area.  That is, have the student walk or drive around the community of interest and critically observe the condition of homes, industry, services, education, ect.  Have the student do a 2-3 page write-up and/or discuss at a relevant staff function.

  3. Have student attend a public hearing regarding a relevant social issue and have the student write a brief report on the experience.

  4. Have students participate in lobbying or demonstrating on behalf of a community or interest group relevant to the agency.

  5. Have students produce or revise a social service manual for the community of interest.

  6. Encourage students to discuss ways in which a client does or does not use community assistance and plan ways to increase this activity (to the extent relevant or possible).

  7. Request that students develop a 1-3 page synopsis of the social policy(s) that govern agency function(s).

  8. Encourage students to facilitate the organization of community residents around an issue of recognized concern (ex., child care, transportation, etc.)

  9. Request students submit letters to the editor, or their respective legislators, regarding issues relevant to the agency.

  10. Incorporate community and policy opportunities early in the fall semester to establish these activities as integral portions of the placement.  This will help develop a tone and atmosphere from the beginning that effective practice requires the integration of the community and policy context.