Home Office Technology

Best Practices 

If you are moving a laptop dock and screens from your work office to your home office, do your best to not remove/unplug any cabling from the screen/dock itself. Remove plugs from the wall, and try to move everything as one unit.

Don't forget to bring Ethernet, surge protector and all associated power cables. Also check for thumb drives, and bluetooth mouse/keyboard dongles.

Please exercise caution when moving heavy desks or other furniture!

Essential Cabling for Whitman docks. Plug everything in the way demonstrated in the corresponding photo.

Dell WD15 Dock
1 power cable
1 mini Display Port
1 Ethernet
1 USB mouse
1 USB keyboard

Dell TB16 Dock
1 power
1 mini Display Port
1 Ethernet
1 USB mouse
1 USB keyboard

Dell E-Port Dock
1 power
1 Ethernet
1 USB mouse
1 USB keyboard

HP TB G2 Dock
1 power
2 Display Port
1 Ethernet
1 USB mouse
1 USB keyboard

If you need anything please email wsmhelp@syr.edu and we will do our best to accommodate.