Equipment Rental
Equipment Checkout Policies [Link]
Equipment Checkout List [Link]
The Nancy Cantor Digital Fabrication Lab houses a wide range of equipment, which students can check out and use for academic purposes. Common class items such as wacom pens and flash memory cards are available here, or for the more process specific items students can also check out VR headsets and cameras. Equipment rental is available to VPA students and students enrolled in VPA classes. Proof of enrollment or faculty approval may be required. Borrowers should have a working knowledge of the equipment prior to checking out the equipment. Borrowers will also be required to fill out and submit a document outlining all rules and procedures before checking out any equipment. A valid student/faculty ID is required from any one requesting access to equipment.
For more specific information on policies regarding the checkout process and a detailed list of what items we currently have for check out please see the documents posted below.
Need more information?
**Please feel free to email us at**
Equipment Rental Policy
Access to Equipment
- Equipment rental is available to VPA students and students enrolled in VPA classes. Proof of enrollment or Faculty approval may be required.
- Borrowers should have working knowledge of the equipment prior to checking out.
- Equipment provided is for VPA academic purposes ONLY.
- Use of equipment for any other purpose is a violation of the terms of use and will result in the revocation of the borrower’s privileges.
- Borrowers must fill out and sign a rental policy form prior to their first check out.
- Equipment check out is, currently, available in the Warehouse Digital Fabrication Lab. Check-out will occur during regular Academic year hours.
Equipment Requests
- Equipment access is on a first-come, first-served basis.
- There is a 24-hour waiting period between rentals to ensure fair access to all students.
- Equipment rentals will be unavailable over breaks, as determined by shops staff.
Equipment Check Out
- A valid SUID, or valid E.S.F ID card, is required for all transactions.
- Equipment can be checked out for up to (1) week.
- A faculty member or chair may email extension requests to
- Borrowers must inspect all equipment and confirm that all components are present and in working condition prior to leaving. (See Lost, Stolen and Damaged Gear for more information.)
- All equipment must be checked out through our asset management system.
- Any battery or power source will be the responsibility of the user to charge for use.
- Borrowers are expected to use the equipment in a careful and appropriate manner and shall comply with and conform to all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations in any way relating to the use or possession of the equipment.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower to be familiar with all local laws regarding the recording of media in public and private spaces.
- Any/All equipment renewal must be done in person. Students will be allowed (2) renewal periods per initial check out
Equipment Return
- All equipment must be returned no later than (1) week from check out. All equipment must be returned before close of business on the return date.
- Equipment can be returned before this deadline during normal hours. (See Lost, Stolen and Damaged Gear & Personal Data & Property Sections)
Borrowers are required to return the equipment in the same neatly organized state in which it was received.
All late returns are subject to late fees (between $5-$15 per piece of equipment based on type) and the Three-Strike Policy:
- Strike 1: Written warning on account.
- Strike 2: Account locked, Professor must submit approval to confirming they spoke with the student in regards to late returns before the borrowers account will be unlocked.
- Strike 3: Account deactivated, rental privileges revoked, mandatory meeting with the staff, professor and/or Department Chair.
If a student is running late, they must contact 315-443-0479 so the staff can note on the account that the student has been in touch.
Multiple instances of tardiness will result in the borrower's account escalating directly to Strike 2.
Personal Data and Property
- VPA Shops are not responsible for lost SD cards, compact flashcards or any data left on the equipment.
VPA Shops are not responsible for the damage or loss of the borrower's recorded media or files. We are not responsible for any personal effects left with the equipment or in any bags.
Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Gear
- Borrowers are financially responsible for all of the equipment they sign. Any items that are lost, stolen and/or damaged fall under this policy.
The VPA shops staff will choose the appropriate repair and or replacement options for any equipment identified as lost, stolen and/or damaged.
Within ten business days, the borrower will receive a bill detailing the total repair/replacement costs.
The bill is expected to be paid in full within one week of the email.
- If the bill is still outstanding, it will be transferred on the University Bursar’s Office as a bursar hold. When a bursar hold is put in place the following may be impacted: access to VPA resources, access to course registration and student record releases.
- For faculty, program accounts will be charged for any equipment returned late, damaged, incomplete, or needing maintenance in accordance with standard policy. Program coordinators will be informed of charges and which course/faculty incurred the charge. Program coordinators can reserve the right to require approval for faculty class-oriented equipment based on misuse.
Equipment made available through the VPA shops is not covered under the University's General Insurance Policies. If any equipment is lost, stolen and/or damaged, the borrower will be held financially responsible for the equipment’s replacement and/or repair.
Borrowers are strongly encouraged to check their homeowner’s insurance to see if they are covered or obtain their own Personal Property Insurance.
**We strongly encourage insurance for equipment rentals that exceed $500**
Certification: I understand that it is a privilege and learning opportunity to use the provided equipment and agree to abide by all University regulations and stipulations placed upon me as conditions for borrowing these resources. These terms are subject to change without notice, as determined by Shops staff. **All non-VPA majors will need a Faculty signature from their VPA class, prior to equipment rental, in order to be eligible*