Curriculum Vitae Update Guidelines & Form
Please note that CV Updates are required for ALL full-time faculty, including tenured and senior faculty.
Curriculum Vitae Update Form (Calendar Year 2018) [Word 33KB]
Instructions for All Full-Time Faculty
Syracuse University requires each full-time faculty member to complete an annual CV Update form. At the college level, the CV Update is an essential part of a department chair’s assessment of a faculty member’s performance with regard to salary merit increases. Please use this document as reference when completing your CV Update. If you have any questions that cannot be answered here, please contact VPA Academic Affairs at 443-5955.
- The CV Update form is available in Word document format and is available upon request from the VPA Office of Academic Affairs.
- Please be sure to complete all information requested on the form. If you need additional space, feel free to add pages as necessary. The CV Update functions as a summary of your academic contributions, as well as your creative and professional activities during the specified calendar year (spring/fall).
- The CV Update must be submitted electronically to your department chair by the end of January so that it can be forwarded to VPA Academic Affairs by January 31.
- All full-time faculty are instructed during the fall semester to submit their completed CV Update form to the department by the January 31 deadline just prior to the start of each spring semester. Failure to submit a CV update will result in not being eligible for merit consideration.
- As you receive CV Updates from your department faculty (most likely in electronic form), please print one hard copy of each for your department chair to use as reference when writing annual performance review letters (see Module: Full-Time Faculty Performance Review Guidelines).
- These CV Updates will be used as an accompaniment to the Annual Report and Recommendation for Non-Tenured Faculty (RRs), which will become part of the package forwarded to VPA Academic Affairs in mid-February.
- In addition to the printed copy for your department chair, we ask that as you receive electronic copies from faculty members, please forward them to Betsy Henderson via email (
Instructions for Department/School Support Staff
- All full-time faculty are instructed during the fall semester to submit their completed CV Update form to the department by the January 31 deadline just prior to the start of each Spring semester. You should have CV Updates from all full-time faculty members by this deadline.
- As you receive CV Updates from your department faculty (most likely in electronic form), please print one hard copy of each for your department chair to use as reference when writing annual performance review letters (see Module: Full-Time Faculty Performance Review Guidelines).
- These CV Updates will be used as an accompaniment to the Annual Report and Recommendation for Non-Tenured Faculty (RRs), which will become part of the package forwarded to VPA Academic Affairs in mid-February.
- In addition to the printed copy for your department chair, we ask that as you receive electronic copies from faculty members, please forward them to Betsy Henderson via email (