Faculty external honors and external service

(See elsewhere for Department teaching awards)

Faculty honors (excludes federal grants, Department teaching awards; includes foundation fellowship grants)

ArtusoFellow APS2008

Chancellor’s Citation, Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction 

BowickJoel Dorman Steele Professorship2013-18
BowickWilliam Wasserstrom Award (SU)2009
BowickFellow APS2004
BowickChancellor's Citation, Academic Excellence (SU)2006
BrownFellow APS2014
BrownCharles Brightman Endowed Professor2015-
BrownCottrell Scholar (Research Corporation)2010

Meredith Teaching Recognition Award (SU)

CatterallFellow APS2016
HarthFellow APS (archive doesn't list citation or year)<1980
LipsonA. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow1979
ManningCottrell Scholar (Research Corporation)2015
ManningA. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow2014
ManningIUPAP Commission on Statistical Physics Young Scientist Prize2016
ManningMaria Goeppert Mayer Award (American Physical Society)2017
ManningFellow APS2019
MarchettiChancellor's Citation for Academic Acheivement2005
MarchettiMember of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences2013
MarchettiRotschild-Mayent Fellowship, Institut Curie, Paris2007
MarchettiOutstanding Referee for the Journals of the American Physical Society2014
MarchettiFellow of the American Association Advancement of Science2014
MarchettiSimons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics2013
MarchettiFellow APS2000
MarchettiKadanoff Prize (American Physical Society)2019
MarchettiMembership in the National Academy of Science2019
MiddletonFellow of the American Association Advancement of Science2016
MiddletonFellow APS2010
MiddletonA. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow


MonetiFellow APS (archive doesn't list citation or year)
PlourdeOutstanding Referee for the Journals of the American Physical Society2018
SaulsonNational Academy of Sciences Award for Scientific Discovery2017
SaulsonMartin A. Pomerantz '37 Professor2008-19
SaulsonFellow APS2003
SaulsonFellow, International Society on General Relativity & Gravitation 2013
SaulsonSU Scholar-Teacher of the Year2003
SchiffFellow APS2011
SchiffChancellor's Citation for Academic Acheivement2011
SkwarnickiFellow APS2001

Chancellor’s Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction 

SouderFellow APS1998
SouderOutstanding Nuclear Physicist Award from Jefferson Science Associates2013
StoneSyracuse University Distinguished Professor2012
StoneCERN Associateship2011

Chancellor’s Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement

StoneFellow APS1993

W. K. H. Panofsky Prize (American Physical Society)

ArtusoAward - 7th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors1997
VidaliA. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow1986
VidaliFellow APS2006
SantangeloFellow APS2019
SantangeloDSOFT Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research2017
RossFellow APS2018
RossCottrell Scholar (Research Corporation)2010
RossMargaret Oakley Dayhoff Award, Biophysical Society2013
RossBasil O'Connor Starter Award, March of Dimes2008
RossNSF INSPIRE Award2013

Service external to SU (e.g., APS, editorships; see next table for conferences/workshops)

ArtusoCERN Associateship2011-2012
ArtusoMember High Energy Physics Advisory Panel to NSF & DOE2009-2011
BallmerTechnical Advisor to the LIGO Oversight Committee
FreemanAAPT, Partnership for Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP)2016-
ManningAPS GSNP Member at Large, Chair membership committee2017-
ManningEditorial Board of Physical Review Applied2016-
MarchettiCommission on Statistical Physics (C.3), International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)2018-2020
MarchettiGeneral Member of the Aspen Center for Physics (elected)2015
MarchettiAPS GSNP Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, Chair2006-2008
MarchettiAPS GSOFT, the Topical Group on Soft Matter:  Chair-Elect and Chair2014-2018
MarchettiExternal Advisory Board of the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) of Rice University
MarchettiBoard of Directors of the Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Marchettico-Editor in Chief, Physical Review X2016-2021
MarchettiCo-editor (with Subir Sachdev, Harvard University) of Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics2015-2019
PlourdeEditor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity2013-
PlourdeMember of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Council on Superconductivity2013-
SchiffProgram Director at ARPA-E2014-2017
SouderChair of the Executive board and DOE correspondent for the Jlab SoLID collaboration2016-
StoneFounding member, treasurer and currently deputy chair of U. S. LHC Users Organization2008-
StoneLHCb Upgrade coordinator2008-2011

Co-Spokesperson of the CLEO Collaboration


Co-Spokesperson of the BTeV Collaboration

StoneMember of editorial board of the Physical Review1993-1996
StoneMember of Fermilab Program Advisory Committee1988-1993
StoneMember of Fermilab Research Alliance, LLC Board of Directors2006-2011
VidaliSecretary/Treasurer of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society2009-
VidaliSecretary of the Commission B5 (Laboratory Astrophysics) of the International Astrophysical Union2015-
VidaliMember of the CNY American Chemical Society Executive Committee2015-

Conference or workshop organization

Bowickco-Organizer, ICERM Semester Program2015
Bowickco-Organizer, Park City Mathematics Institute summer program2015
BowickNew York Complex Matter Workshops (x14)2004-2014
Bowickco-Coordinator, Boulder School2015
MarchettiCo-organizer (with Mark Bowick, Syracuse; William Irvine, U Chicago; LeoRadzihovsky CU Boulder; and Vincenzo Vitelli, Leiden) of the Boulder School 2015: Soft Matter In and Out of Equilibrium, held at the University of Colorado Boulder, July 6-31, 2015.2015
SkwarnickiOrganizer, Workshop on Multibody Decays of B and D mesons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27-30, 20152015
Schwarzco-Organizer, Aspen Center for Physics workshop "The Packing of Continua", June 11 - July 2, 20172017
SouderCo-Chair, PAVI 142014
SouderOrganizing Committee, ECT * Workshops (x2)2016
VidaliScientific Event at the 42nd COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Scientific Assembly (Pasadena, Ca)2018
Vidali2nd Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics (Kauai, HI)2015
VidaliScientific Event at the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Moscow)2014
Vidali1st Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics (Kauai, HI)2013
WatsonAspen Center for Physics workshop2017
WatsonNASA Inflation Probe Study Analysis Group


WhittingtonCo-Chair, Light Detection in Noble Elements (LIDINE 2017), September 22-24, 20172017
MarchettiCo-organizer (with H. Chaté and G. Gompper) of the International School on The Statistical Physics of Active Matter, EttoreMajorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, October 01- 06, 2018.2018

Co-organizer (with J.Tailleur and J. Yeomans) and the Les Houches Summer School on Active Matter, August 17-September 21, 2018, Les Houches, France.

MarchettiCo-organizer (with Liang-Chy Chien, Oleg Lavrentovich and Julia Yeomans) of a Symposium at the 2018 MRS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.2018

Co-organizer (with James Henderson, Joseph Paulsen, Ashok Sangani and Jen Schwarz) of the ICAM Workshop on Active Matter: A New Frontier for Physics, Biology and Engineering, held at Syracuse University June 20-23, 2016.


Co-organizer (with Petia Vlahovska, Brown: Misbah Chaouqi, Grenoble; and Christian Wagner, University of the Saarland) of the Cargése School on Living and Active Soft Matter, to be held July 12-22, 2016 in Cargése, Corsica, France.


Lead-organizer (with Iain Couzin, Princeton, Sriram Ramaswamy, TIFR-Hyderabad, Christoph Schmidt, Göttingen) of the long program at KITP of UC Santa Barbara on “Active Matter: cytoskeleton, cells, tissues and flocks”, Jan 6-May 16, 2014.


Co-organizer of the 2012 Aspen Winter Conference “Growth and Form: Pattern Formation in Biology” (with Susan Coppersmith and Clare Yu).


Co-Chair of the 2011 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Conference, Aug. 14-19, 2011, Colby-Sawyer College, NH.


Co-Vice Chair of the 2009 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Conference, Aug. 9-14, 2009, Colby-Sawyer College, NH.


Lead organizer of SAM09, an I2CAM Workshop on Soft Active Materials: form Granular Rods to Flocks, Cells and Tissues, Syracuse University, May 17-21, 2009. http://icamconferences.org/sam09/


Co-Organizer (with Mark Bowick, Itai Cohen, Jennifer Schwarz, Abe Stroock and George Thurston) of the New York Condensed Matter Workshop (twice/year 2005-2011).


Co-organizer (with E. Bodenschatz and A. Middleton) of the Boulder 2001 Summer School in Condensed Matter Physics, held in Boulder, CO, July 2001.


Co-Chair of the 2009 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Conference, Colby-Sawyer College, NH.


Co-Chair of the 2009 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Conference, Colby-Sawyer College, NH.


Chair, APS March Meeting, Division of Biological Physics, Los Angeles, CA


Chair, APS March Meeting, Division of Soft Condensed Matter


Funding of note

MarchettiNSF Creativity Award2001
MiddletonNSF CAREER1997
PaulsenNSF CAREER2017
PlourdeNSF CAREER2006
PlourdeIBM Faculty Award2011
WhittingtonNSF CAREER2019