NYC - Transportation

One of the best perks of NYC is you don’t need a car.


The bus is also a great option, but if there’s a lot of traffic, it can take forever. The bus is good for going across town (since there aren’t many subway lines that cross town). You can use your MetroCard for the bus, or it also accepts change (no bills). It’s also a $2.75 fare.


It’s extremely convenient, quick, and affordable. Each ride is $2.75, but if you plan on taking the subway to and from your internship and school, you may save money with a 30-day unlimited card ($127), a prepaid card or an EZ Pass MetroCard. The MTA charges $1 for each new MetroCard purchased at a MetroCard vending machine, station booth, or commuter rail station. If you plan on commuting from New Jersey, we have secured a discount via NJ Transit. ( To go to Westchester or Connecticut, take Metro North from Grand Central Terminal. ( To go to Long Island, take the Long Island Railroad from Penn Station. (

  • Rush hour is typically 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. This is when the subways get a bit cramped and taxis/buses go much slower because of the traffic. If you’re commuting during this time, be prepared to wait for a train or two to pass before you can get on. Trains also run more frequently during rush hour, so you won’t have to wait long for another to come.
  • Some trains have electronic signs that say when the next train is coming. The Q and 4/5/6 line has this, and it’s very helpful to know how long you will have to wait.
  • “The Bronx” means uptown, and “Brooklyn” means downtown.

          Subway etiquette:

  • Don’t listen to music too loud. People hate when passengers blast music from their earphones.
  • If you get a seat, great, but please offer it up to the elderly, people with disabilities and pregnant women if the train gets crowded.
  • If you’re confused or lost, ask someone politely. New Yorkers love to give directions.
  • Or ask the conductor. They are located at the front, back and middle of the train. You can also ask the subway attendant when you enter the station.
  • No A/C in the car? Move to another one when the train STOPS.
  • Some subway entrances have BOTH uptown and downtown trains. Some ONLY have one way. Before you go down the stairs and swipe, read the sign and make sure you are going the right way.


Taxis are extremely convenient, but you pay for it. If you’re going somewhere in the city with four people, it can be cost effective to take a taxi since you’ll be splitting it four ways.

  • You hail a taxi by putting your hand up on the corner of the street. Make sure you aren’t “stealing” a corner from someone who was waiting before you.
  • You can tell a cab is free if their number on the top is lit up. If it’s not, it’s off duty or busy.
  • When you get into the cab, tell the driver where you want to go. When you get to your location, you can pay by cash or credit card. It’s customary to tip 20 percent.
  • ADVICE: Stash an emergency $20 bill in your wallet or phone case. That way you know you always have cash to get home in case the cc machine isn't working it the taxi (it happens!)


This is a walking city. People will walk 20-30 blocks to work and that’s absolutely normal (20 blocks = 1 mile). The avenues are long and the streets/blocks are short. Determine how long it takes you to walk 10 blocks, and then you can figure out if it’s worth it to walk or not.

  • This is a very safe city. People walk around the city at all hours of the night, but with that said, please be cautious. Don’t walk around by yourself late at night or early morning.
  • Do not walk across the street at a red light even if there are no cars. Taxis and New York City drivers are erratic, so it’s crucial to pay attention to the lights because they will not stop for pedestrians.