DC - Academics

Students will register for a minimum of 12 credits.

COM 400 is required for all students. You may take for 1-3 credits (Add class and select 1, 2, or 3 credits from drop down menu).

Students may enroll in available online A&S classes to complete their schedule. 

To search for DC based classes within myslice:  Go to:  Class Search / Search for Classes /  Enter Search Criteria / Term:  Fall 2023 / Uncheck box for "Show Open Classes Only" / Scroll to Additional Search Criteria / under "Campus" scroll to Washington / under" Location Code" scroll to Washington / Click on Search.  


COM 300: Democracy, Citizenship, & Journalism (3 credits)

Overview: This course provides students with the tools to understand the erosion of public trust in democratic governance and the media and the connections between the two, and a roadmap to earn and maximize their own credibility with the public.

Details: Using data, guest speakers, readings and individualized study, we’ll examine relationship between media coverage and the state of democracy — from elections to technology, sports, the military, race, gender, education and the workforce. We’ll study the ethical pressures and codes that shape political candidates, public officials, journalists, non-news broadcasters and PR practitioners — and the differences in expectations and obligations between each field.


COM 350:  Media, Diversity and Politics (3 credits)

Introduction to fundamental issues related to diversity and inclusion in the media industries as approached through the lens of particular topics, industries, and/or media products.


COM 400: DC Communications Industry Practicum (1-3 credits)

This course includes media-based internship along with required in-person classroom sessions and guest speakers.


COM 509: Communications Law for Public Communicators (3 credits)

This class will expose you to the elements of First Amendment and media-related law so as communications professionals or practicing journalists, you understand the legal implications of your work. Topics include defamation, privacy, newsgathering torts, access to court proceedings, confidential sources, and open records.  Additional topics include commercial speech, broadcast regulation, copyright, obscenity, indecency, and the internet.

Required textbook:  Mass Media Law   22nd Edition by  Clay Calvert (Author), Dan V. Kozlowski (Author), Derigan Silver (Author)  


JNL 530:  Specialized Reporting "Covering Washington" (3 credits)

This is an advanced reporting course designed to equip broadcast, print, and online journalism students with the skills necessary to cover campaigns, elections, and public policy.

In this newsroom experience, you will write, edit and produce content on deadline.

  • You will cover local, state and national races and significant political events.
  • You will generate original reporting and cover a political race of your choice based on class discussion.
  • You will gain a new perspective on beat reporting and how to develop, research and pitch news stories,
  • You’ll also understand the role of various elected government officials on the state and federal level.

Recommended Reading: 
The New York Times
The Washington Post
Today, Explained podcast
The Daily podcast
Network & Cable News (TV or online – ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Spectrum News, etc.)

While students are not required to read all these sources, this list provides students with the range of political knowledge needed for this course.

To complete your course load, you can also select from a variety of online courses offered by the College of Arts & Sciences.  

Duals and minors with the Maxwell school may also seek permission to take classes at the Maxwell in Washington, D.C. center.