
The information below is intended for College of Law audiences only.

Making a Reciprocity Request to Another Law School

During the job search process, having access to the resources of other law schools' career services offices may be helpful, particularly if another law school is geographically located in the area in which you're searching. 

Most law schools will consider granting "reciprocity" to another law school's student (i.e., a Syracuse student) if that student's law school is willing to reciprocally grant access to the first law school's students. The College of Law participates in this reciprocal arrangement. To learn which law schools would be willing to consider your request for reciprocity, check the  NALP website.

Once you have identified a target school, complete and submit the necessary Reciprocity Request Form. The Office of Career Services will send a letter of request on your behalf to that law school. You will receive a copy of the request letter and of the requested school's response either granting or denying reciprocity. Once you have been granted reciprocity at one school, we cannot make another request on your behalf for three months from the date reciprocity is granted.

Reciprocity Requests from Other Law School Students

Reciprocity requests from students at other law schools will be considered individually by the Office of Career Services and are usually granted on a one-to-one basis. Requests for services must be made in writing—preferably via email—by a Career Services official from the student's law school.  

The following services will be provided to students from other law schools to the extent that the reciprocating school provides in-kind career services:

  • Remote access to our online job postings for three months from the date reciprocity is granted.
  • On-site access to our online job postings and hard copy resources for 3 months from the date granted.


  • Reciprocity does not include counseling services or participation in our on/off-campus interview program.
  • Reciprocity will not be offered between July 15 and November 15.
  • Please ask your students to wait for confirmation before contacting our office. 

Please direct all inquiries to the address below:



        Dineen Hall, Suite 214

        950 Irving Avenue 

        Syracuse, NY 13244-1030

        P: (315) 443-1941

        F: (315) 443-3086 

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