Student Bar Association

The information below is intended for College of Law audiences only.

Student Bar Association

We believe students play a critical role in developing a legacy of service, leadership, and excellence at the College of Law. 

As such, it is important for students to take an active role in the decision-making process that shapes the law school experience.  

SBA Logo

2023-2024 Student Bar Association Executive Board

2023-2024 Student Bar Association Officers

  • Executive President: Devon Brown
  • Executive JDr Vice President: Jennifer Arinze
  • Executive JDi Vice President: Tiffany Colucci
  • ExecutiveTreasurer: Bonnie Cheng

Class of 2024

  • Class of 2024 President: Omnia Shedid
  • Class of 2024 JDr Vice President: Danny Bonsangue
  • Class of 2024 JDi Vice President: Juan Almanza-Canas
  • Class of 2024 Senators: Courtney Fernandez, Jasmine Geyen, Amanda Greene, Matthew Patrizio, Carly Zakaria, and Samantha Ribeiro
  • Class of 2024 Judicial Board: Nicholas Anyaegbunam, Jessica Buffamonti, and Evan Groder.

Class of 2025

  • Class of 2025 President: Abbigail Artwell
  • Class of 2025 JDr Vice President: Dachie Belony
  • Class of 2025 JDi Vice President: Olivia Barton
  • Class of 2025 Senators: Noah Centore, Zachary Eichner, Terrence Kane, Ben Muladore, Sarah Simon-Patches, Melissa Palzewicz, and Nicholas Troia
  • Class of 2025 Judicial Board: Bridget Congo, Remy Kane, and Charles Sirotek

Class of 2026

  • Class of 2026 Senators: Candace Chandra, Kimberly DeSario, Tania Rivera-Bullard

LL.M Representative:

  • Ludmilla Evelin

S.J.D. Representative:

  • Jawad Salman

Contact Information

Student Bar Association
Syracuse University College of Law
Dineen Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244


SBA Governing Documents 

SBA Constitution

SBA Bylaws

SBA Student Body Laws