Register for Spring 2020 ITS Accessibility Workshops

Our technology accessibility workshops build faculty and staff awareness of, sensitivity to, and proficiency in ensuring the accessibility of information communications and technologies. The workshops help participants understand accessibility, put it into practice on the job, and support the University’s efforts to ensure accessibility of documents, systems, and communications across campus. Importantly, the skills learned in these workshops will help you realize in your work the University’s commitment to creating a more accessible, inclusive campus.

Register online
All workshops will be held in Room 1116, 621 Skytop Road
View archive of recorded workshops and webinars

Word: Creating Accessible Documents in Microsoft Word

This session will cover the process of creating accessible documents in Microsoft Word. Topics include:
• Use of styles to add structure to your document
• Adding alternative text to images
• Using descriptive hyperlinks
• Creating accessible charts and tables
• Using the MS Word Accessibility checker
• Exporting to an accessible PDF

PDFs: Evaluating and Repairing with Adobe Acrobat DC

This session will cover the basics of PDF remediation in Adobe Acrobat DC including:
• Using the accessibility checker
• Fixing missing titles
• Creating headings
• Adding alternative text to graphics
• Adding table headers
• Checking and correcting reading order
• Strategies for working with scanned PDFs

PowerPoint: Creating and Delivering Accessible Presentations

This workshop is designed for anyone who creates presentation materials using Microsoft PowerPoint. It covers not only making the PowerPoint slide set accessible, but also accessibility considerations when presenting and distributing or posting presentation materials. Major topics covered include:
• Using slide layouts
• Adding meaningful descriptions to images
• Creating handouts in multiple accessible formats
• Tips for presenting to inclusive audiences
• Creating alternate formats of PowerPoint files for posting on the web or distributing via email

Web Accessibility Testing

This session will cover techniques for testing websites for accessibility. Topics include:

• How people with disabilities use the web
• Interpreting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 A and AA)
• Accessibility testing tools and techniques

Registration Information

Register online
All workshops will be held in Room 1116, 621 Skytop Road
View archive of recorded workshops and webinars

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