Reservation Guideline

January 6, 2025

General Policy

The general policy of the School of Information Studies (iSchool) is that teaching spaces in Hinds Hall are primarily for academic use by iSchool students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

Special academic, extracurricular, development and admissions events sponsored by the iSchool are the next priority. Space for such events is reserved for specific time periods. Once these needs have been met within a reasonable and specified time, reservations will be opened to the Syracuse campus community.

The spaces within Hinds Hall will not be made available for use by groups outside of Syracuse University without a university member as a sponsor. A sponsor must be a faculty or staff member of the university.

The exception to this policy is limited to the two Registrar classrooms: Hinds 018 and 021. Reservations for these spaces are made through the Registrar’s Office as are all official university courses/classes.

Rental Fees

*Reservations must be requested in one-hour increments.

*Reservation requests over 4 hours will be charged at the full day rate.


Katzer Collaboratory – Hinds 347

  • Available during university business hours 8:30AM-5:00PM

  • $500 per event/per day

  • $100/hr

  • Seats: 32-60


8-Seat Collaboratories – Hinds 336, 315, 219, 216, 206F

  • $250 per event/per day

  • $50/hr

  • Seats: 8


Conference Room Hinds 120

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr

  • Seats: 20


Conference Room Hinds 109

  • $250 per event/per day

  • $50/hr

  • Seats: 16


ICE Box Lounge Hinds 243/245

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr

  • Seats: 20


Classroom Hinds 243A

  • $450 per event/per day

  • $90/hr

  • Seats: 36-50


West Lobby Hinds 198

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr


Classroom Hinds 111

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr

  • Seats: 42


Computer Lab Hinds 013, or 027

  • $250 per event/per day

  • $50/hr

  • Seats: 28


Classroom Hinds 011

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr

  • Seats: 30-40


iCafe/Lounge Hinds 023

  • $350 per event/per day

  • $70/hr

  • Seats: 30-60

About Room Fees

  • Fees have been established to help cover wear and tear, RCM facility taxes, heating/air conditioning, etc.

  • Room reservations will not be approved or confirmed without a departmental ID from the event sponsor.

  • Departmental ID’s should be submitted to whomever you are working with within the iSchool to reserve your event.

  • Any additional costs for support, security, maintenance, technology, catering, and cleanup will be the responsibility of the event sponsor and must be directly billed to the event sponsor by the service provider.

  • If a room is not returned to its pre-event condition, the event sponsor will be charged, by the iSchool, for any fees/services incurred.

About Access

  • Keys are available, if required, by making prior arrangements with whomever you are working with within the iSchool.

  • PLEASE NOTE: the person in charge of the event must pick up the key and be present throughout the duration of the event. Students will not be issued keys.

  • Keys must be returned by 5 p.m. the next business day following the event.

  • If keys are not returned by the next business day, or are lost, the event sponsor will be charged for the cost of the replacement lock(s) and new key(s).


  • Publicity materials in any form (posters and flyers) are permitted only on Hinds Hall bulletin boards. Posting on doors, windows and walls is strictly prohibited.  All spaces have digital displays available for the time of the event itself.

Food and Beverages

Food and beverages must be provided through Campus Catering at x3605. All costs for catering must be paid for by the event sponsor. All catered events must include a plan for housekeeping at the conclusion of the event.

  • If a room is not returned to its pre-event condition, the event sponsor will be charged, by the iSchool, for any fees/services incurred.

Technology Support

  • Hinds Hall spaces are built to university standards and does not provide technology support. The iSchool recommends having your technology support person schedule time prior to your event to run through any support requirements during normal business hours and when the room is available.

Space Allocation/Conflicts

The iSchool will work with you in an attempt to accommodate your event. However, an academic or other school specific event will take priority. Therefore, the school reserves the right to cancel your event reservation or offer an alternative venue if a conflict occurs.


All requests for space (including classrooms) in Hinds Hall must be made at least one week before the event.

  • Any reserved room must be returned to its pre-event condition, and/or set-up prior to the next scheduled event, before 8 a.m. the following day, whichever comes first.

  • If a room is not returned to its pre-event condition, the event sponsor will be charged, by the iSchool, for any fees/services incurred.

  • All classroom and computer lab reservations are initiated by completing the form linked below.

  • All conference rooms, collaboratories, lobbies and the iCafe reservations are initiated by completing the form linked below.


Reservation Request Form


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