Full-Time Instructors On-board Meeting
On-Boarding Meeting Agenda
Meeting with Peggy Takach, Director of Faculty Initiatives, Director of Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL)
Review New Faculty Orientation General Items:
- SU ID | NetID: https://netid.syr.edu
- Faculty Center For Teaching & Learning resources: https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3gbzC
- iSchool technology resources: https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BwvzC
- iSchool website= https://ischool.syr.edu/
- Academic Courses Advising
- MySlice = https://myslice.ps.syr.edu
- Edit personal | profile information | access paychecks/set up direct deposit
- Faculty Center – course roster, grade roster, etc.
- Orange Success – track attendance, flag student concerns
- CDR (Center for Disability Resources)
- EvaluationKit - course evaluations
- Full-time faculty listserv
- Email = https://exchange.syr.edu
- Support for new hires - https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SgnzC
Course Development and Instructional Quality:
- Professor of Record (PoR)
- iSchool teaching culture
- UG and Graduate Students
- Values statements https://ischool.syr.edu/about/vision-and-values/
- Inclusive learning environment
- Syllabus and course schedule
- First Day | Week of Class engagement and communication
- Academic rigor | Academic Integrity
- Methods | activities
- Active learning environment
- Classroom management
- Classroom demonstration - FCTL and/or iSchool IT Services
- Instructional teaching of their course
- Invigorate Your Teaching – Kick-Start Your Semester
- Bloom’s Question Starter
- Six Facets of Understanding
- Student engagement
- Foster Interaction with Engaging Activities
- Blackboard
- iSchool Online Master template
- Course specific key points to get started
- Answers =
- FCTL and Instructional resources - https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3gbzC
- Technology resources - https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BwvzC
- Support for new hires - https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SgnzC
iSchool Orientation
For more information about iSchool Orientation