PhD Students On-board Meeting

On-Boarding Meeting Agenda

Meeting with Peggy Takach, Director of Faculty Initiatives, Director of Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL)

Review  New Faculty Orientation General Items:

Course Development and Instructional Quality:

  • Professor of Record (PoR)

  • iSchool teaching culture
    • UG and Graduate Students
  • Syllabus and course schedule
  • First Day | Week of Class engagement and communication
    • Academic rigor | Academic Integrity
    • Methods | activities
    • Active learning environment
  • Classroom management
  • Classroom demonstration - FCTL and/or iSchool IT Services
  • Instructional teaching of their course
    • Invigorate Your Teaching – Kick-Start Your Semester
    • Bloom’s Question Starter
    • Six Facets of Understanding
  • Student engagement
    • Foster Interaction with Engaging Activities
  • Blackboard
    • Online Master template
    • Course specific key points
  • Answers =