Undergraduate Student Handbook

Part 1: Undergraduate Education at the iSchool


Welcome to the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool). This undergraduate student handbook is designed for both full-time and part-time students, and should serve as a guide for those pursuing the undergraduate program of study at the iSchool, as well as students pursuing our dual programs, minors, and double majors.

This handbook covers campus academic and administrative policies that all undergraduate students must follow. Please consult the websites linked throughout this handbook for additional information.

All information concerning academic requirements, courses, and programs of study is contained in the Course Catalog. This student handbook does not constitute an irrevocable contract between the student and the iSchool. The iSchool reserves the right to change, discontinue, or add academic requirements, courses, and programs of study. Such changes may be made without notice, although every effort will be made to provide timely notice to students. It is the responsibility of the individual student to confirm that all appropriate degree requirements are met.

About the iSchool

The iSchool is one of several schools at SU and has a unique blend of programs. The faculty and the courses in the iSchool, however, are not divided into traditional departments like most schools.  Instead, we have a united faculty body made up of tenured faculty, leading industry practitioners, and scholars with diverse research and academic interests, committed to teaching all iSchool students. This means that in your experience as an iSchool student there will be many courses in which your classmates will represent a mix of iSchool students and students from other degree programs, which allows students to learn from those pursuing other professional goals. While providing diversity in terms of coursework and faculty expertise, a common thread ties all the courses together to create technologically competent, people-oriented, creative information professionals.

Academic Resources

Faculty, Staff, and Peers

The iSchool firmly believes that advising is a cooperative and multifaceted process, and encourages students to seek input from a variety of sources. Faculty, staff, and peers are critical resources, and all contribute to student success.

Information Resources

In addition to the information in this guide, Syracuse University and the iSchool provide services and resources to students that should be taken into account when planning a program of study. Some of the most important for students include:

Course Catalog

Refer to the Undergraduate Course Catalog for SU rules and regulations, and program requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to be informed about program requirements, and students should consult their program director, program manager, or academic counselors with any questions or uncertainties.


MySlice is Syracuse University’s online portal to critical information resources for applicants, students, faculty, and staff. Here, students can view information on academics, advising, class schedules, enrollment, bursar account, financial aid, housing and meal plans, and parking and transit services.

Degree Works

Degree Works is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor a student's progress toward degree completion. Degree Works can be accessed by going to MySlice> Advising Tile> Degree Works. 

Academic Calendar

The Syracuse University Academic Calendar provides information on registration dates, financial deadlines, withdrawal deadlines, degree award dates, and when to expect final grades. Students are expected to know these dates when adjusting their schedule or performing other processes. Students are encouraged to look up deadlines in MySlice here: 

Academic Deadlines- Search for Classes> class list view> click on the Dates and Deadlines calendar icon next to the class

Financial Deadlines- Billing/Payments> Financial Deadlines

Class Search and Class Schedule

Students can perform a class search or find their class schedule by visiting MySlice and clicking on the Class Search or My Class Schedule tile.

Orange SUccess

Students can access Orange Success via the Advising tile in MySlice. Once on the Orange Success landing page, students will be able to access their student success network which includes academic advisors, faculty advisors, financial aid advisors, HEOP/SSS advisors, etc. Contact information will be displayed for each. Additionally, by clicking on the name of the staff person, some will display an option to book an appointment. To do this, students will be shown dates and times that are available and confirm whether the appointment will be in person or virtual. Staff is alerted to a booked appointment once the process is complete.

Orange Success will also alert students if they have received the following feedback: kudos (showing improvement, keep up the good work, and outstanding performance) or flags. Flags are for negative indicators which could include failure to attend class, low test grades, etc. Academic advisors also receive a copy of a flag notification so they can follow up with a student and provide assistance.

Email and Listservs

Syracuse University established the @syr.edu email as a primary vehicle for official communication with students, and all email communications will be sent only to this address. The iSchool uses your SU email address to maintain a listserv for your program where students will be notified of new course offerings, internship and job opportunities, and other events. Students are responsible for monitoring their SU e-mail account for all email communications sent to the @syr.edu email address. Students will be added to their program listserv automatically once they are matriculated into the program. A list of available listservs can be found here: https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ischool/Listservs

iSchool Website

The iSchool website will be your best resource as you figure out your academic career at Syracuse, and how to get involved in the iSchool community. Here, you can find iSchool directory, advising webpage, FAQs, and other student resources. Visit ischool.syr.edu/

Points of Contact

Undergraduate Program Director

Laurie Ferger is the Undergraduate Program Director. The Program Director is a faculty member who oversees the overall planning and operation of the undergraduate program. The Program Director approves all exceptions to program requirements. 

Undergraduate Academic Counselor

Kate Tressler is the Undergraduate Academic Counselor for the iSchool.  Consult the Academic Advisor with questions or concerns about your degree program, concentrations, studying abroad, transfer credits, class scheduling and registration, and for checking your final program of study to ensure all requirements are met for graduation.

Student Success Counselor

Folake Kehinde is the Student Success Counselor. Student Success Counselor works one on one with students to identify their unique needs, and empowers students through individualized and holistic support.  

Faculty Advisor

Upon admission to the iSchool, you are assigned a faculty advisor as a mentor during your time at Syracuse University. You should meet with your faculty advisor at least once each semester. Faculty Advisors can provide advice about your program of study, helping you select courses that will advance your academic and professional goals.

Peer Advisors

Peer Advisors are a select group of iSchool sophomores, juniors, and seniors who receive training to accurately answer typical questions that many first year and transfer students have about classes, residence hall life, and other aspects of student life at the iSchool.


All faculty at the University can provide advice for any student. If there are questions about a course, you should feel free to speak with the instructor about the emphasis of the course, the type of assignments required, and how the course might fit into your program objectives.

Part 2: Undergraduate Student Policies and Procedures

Code of Student Conduct

Students at Syracuse University are expected to conduct themselves in a manner supportive of the educational mission of the institution. Integrity, respect for each person and the property of others, and a commitment to intellectual and personal growth in a diverse population are values deemed fundamental to membership in this University community. For more information, visit Community Standards website.

Academic Integrity

Syracuse University aspires to the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all endeavors. The Academic Integrity Policy is designed to make integrity and honesty central to the SU experience by: setting forth clear, ethical expectations for students in their academic endeavors; promoting consistency of standards and practices across colleges, schools, and programs; encouraging reporting of suspected violations; and facilitating the resolution of cases as promptly as possible while providing thorough and fair consideration for students and instructors. Education is a central goal of the policy, including affording students an opportunity to discuss and learn from academic integrity violations.

Syracuse University’s academic integrity policy and procedures are administered by the Academic Integrity Office (AIO) in the Division of Academic Affairs, and all schools and colleges. The AIO works with faculty, instructors, students, and staff to promote understanding of Syracuse University’s academic integrity policy and coordinate its administration. The office also maintains records of all academic integrity cases. Students must open a summary of Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity expectations in MySlice twice a year and provide their electronic signature agreeing to uphold the AI policy.

Academic Integrity Expectations

SU classifies academic integrity expectations in four broad categories which are designed for educational purposes: credit your sources, do your own work, communicate honestly, and support academic integrity. Neither the categories themselves nor the examples of violations are exhaustive. Any action that improperly influences the evaluation of a student’s academic work, gives one student unfair academic advantage over another, or encourages the violation of academic integrity by others constitutes a violation of this policy. SU sets general guidelines for University-wide academic integrity standards. In recognition that learning objectives vary across courses, SU also strongly encourages instructors to establish course-specific academic integrity expectations, particularly with regard to what forms of collaboration are allowed and prohibited. It is the responsibility of all instructors to communicate course-specific academic integrity expectations to students. Any student who is uncertain whether an action she or he is considering would violate academic integrity expectations is responsible for asking the instructor or consulting the AIO beforehand. Although most violations of academic integrity expectations will be course related, the SU has the authority and responsibility to respond to suspected violations in any context in which there is a threat to academic integrity at SU or involving SU students, courses, or programs.

To read the full Academic Integrity Policy, visit  https://class.syr.edu/academic-integrity/policy/.

Registration and Grading

Students must be officially registered in order to attend, be evaluated, audit, and participate in classes. An instructor may not allow students to attend classes and/or submit work unless their name appears on the official class roster. The same rule also applies to internships taken for credit, independent studies, experience credit, and so on. Instructors have the option to administratively drop students who do not attend the first week of classes. Before registration, all holds need to be cleared. If outstanding bills are not paid, early registration for the next semester may be impacted. Please refer to the academic calendar to view registration dates for each semester or quarter terms.

Student Status

Students registered for 12 or more credits in a semester are considered full-time. Part-time students are those registered for 11 or fewer credits in a semester. For more details on student status, please refer to the Student Status section under Academic Rules in the Course Catalog.

Level of Courses

As a general guideline, courses are numbered according to their intended audience:

  • 100-199 for Freshmen;
  • 200-299 for Sophomores
  • 300-499 for Juniors and Seniors.
  • 500-599 Seniors and beginning graduate students

Adding and/or Dropping Courses

Registration and schedule adjustment takes place in MySlice up until the class add/drop deadlines. Please consult the academic calendar on SU’s website or in MySlice as stated above in the Academic Calendar section. Adding or dropping  courses after the stated deadline is not permitted.  Withdrawing after the financial drop deadline has severe financial consequences. Tuition will not be refunded after that date and your financial aid may be affected. 

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade may be granted to a student only if it can be demonstrated that it would be unfair to hold the student to the normal limits of the course. Illness or other exceptional circumstances are the usual basis for consideration. Students requesting an incomplete must discuss their options with the instructor before grades are submitted for the semester. For more information on incompletes please visit the Course Catalog

Auditing Courses

Students may only audit a course with the instructor’s approval. Audited courses do not earn academic credit and are not counted toward enrollment status. For more information on auditing courses please visit the Course Catalog

Pass-Fail Courses

Only courses considered general electives may be taken on a pass-fail basis. See your advisor before selecting pass/fail grading option for a class.

Repeated Courses

iSchool students may retake a course for grade improvement. Rules on course retake can be found in the Course Catalog under Academic Rules. See your academic advisor before attempting to repeat courses for credit.

Awards & Honors

Each semester, full time students (12 graded credit hours minimum) are eligible for the Dean’s List if their semester GPA is 3.40 or higher. Students cannot have any missing grades to be considered for the Dean’s list and those taking only 12 credits cannot have a pass/fail grade. Students with NG or Incomplete grades will not be eligible for the Dean’s List.

University Honors

University Honors are awarded to graduating students if their cumulative GPA is at least 3.40. The designations are as follows: 3.40 Cum Laude; 3.60 Magna Cum Laude; 3.80 Summa Cum Laude. Students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at Syracuse University to be eligible for University Honors. Note: PED courses, ESF courses and ROTC credits are not calculated as part of University Honors. Check with your academic counselor.


Students with one or more of the following conditions will be placed on academic probation: semester and/or cumulative GPA below 2.0; iSchool GPA below a 2.5; excessive number of Incompletes, NAs, or missing grades; or lack of progress toward degree. In addition, freshman or external transfer student with a semester GPA, cumulative GPA, and/or iSchool GPA of less than a 2.5 during their first semester will be placed on Academic Probation.

Applying for Graduation

File Diploma Request

Graduating students must notify SU that they intend to graduate through the File Diploma Request process, accessed through MySlice. Only students who complete this process are included in degree certification review, have their name included in the iSchool’s Convocation booklet, and will receive information about Commencement. Please visit Academics tile in MySlice to file your diploma request. Specify the term, and provide information for the diploma, including a mailing address. Each semester, an e-mail will be sent to students informing them of the deadline to file the diploma request.

Commencement and Convocation

SU has one graduation ceremony each May, called Commencement. Commencement includes all SU students: undergraduates, graduates, and Ph.D. students, and it is a celebratory event, not a requirement. Individual schools and colleges host celebratory Convocations on a separate day from Commencement, to individually recognize each degree candidate on stage and to present special awards. For more information on eligibility, dates, and activities, visit Commencement website.

When You Receive Your Diploma

Each school and college at SU certifies the completion of its students’ degree requirements. The certification process generally takes four to six weeks after the completion of requirements. Once certification is complete, the Registrar’s Office posts the award and orders the diploma. When posted, the degree appears on the academic transcript. SU awards degrees four times per year: in May, June, August, and December. Students’ degrees are awarded for the award date that falls on or after the date on which all degree requirements were completed. Only students who have filed their Diploma Request will have their degree certified.

Other Policies and Procedures

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA governs both the access to and release of those records, known as education records, and the information they contain. Under FERPA, faculty and staff have a legal responsibility to protect the confidentiality of student records. For additional information about FERPA and SU’s FERPA policy, visit Registrar’s Office website, or contact the Registrar’s Office at 315.443.2422.

Health Insurance

Each year, all full-time, matriculated undergraduate students are required to demonstrate proof of qualifying health insurance coverage or enroll into the Student Health Insurance Plan. For more information, visit healthinsurance.syr.edu.

Religious Observances

SU recognizes the diversity of faiths represented in its campus community and supports and protects the rights of faculty, staff, and students to observe religious holy days according to their traditions. Under the policy, students are provided an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that may be missed due to a religious observance, provided they notify their instructors no later than the end of the second week of classes. Student deadlines are posted in My Slice. For more information, review the Religious Observation Policy.

Orange Alert

Orange Alert is the campus crisis alert notification system directed by SU’S Department of Public Safety, designed to provide rapid notification and instruction to SU students, faculty, and staff in the event of a crisis in progress-an instance in which there is an immediate threat of physical harm to members of the campus community. When activated, Orange Alert uses email, text messaging, and cell/landline phone calls to send a brief notice about the situation and instructions for what to do. A typical message might read: “There is a (type of crisis) on campus at (a specific location); evacuate the area immediately and remain away until further instructed.”

Syracuse University will use reasonable efforts to provide timely, complete, and accurate information regarding crisis situations via the Orange Alert system. Orange Alert contact information is drawn from the MySlice online information system. To report an emergency while on campus, please use the following:

  • From a campus phone: 711
  • From a non-campus or cell phone: 315.443.2224
  • From a cell phone: (AT&T or Verizon): #78

For complete details on emergency procedures, visit: emergencyguide.syr.edu/.

General Recommendations

To improve your chances for getting the most out of your college experience – and doing it the right way – we suggest the following:

  • Attend all classes.

Keep instructors and advisors informed of any special circumstances or unavoidable absences ahead of time.

  • Keep copies of everything submitted.
  • Get to know your professors by talking with them in class and during their office hours.
  • Meet with your faculty and academic advisors at least once a semester to keep him/her informed of your progress.
  • Check your Syracuse University email regularly – at least once daily.

In addition to these general suggestions, we have some advice that is specific to different groups of students.

Advice for Freshmen and Sophomores

  • Succeeding in the freshman year is often the key to succeeding in college. Look to our Peer Advisors and successful friends for advice about being a good student.
  • Improving your time management skills is usually the most effective way to improve grades.
  • If you are finding a semester too challenging, meet with your academic counselor to discuss various options and how they might impact your overall degree progress.
  • Sophomores must formally declare their concentration by end of fourth semester.
  • If you plan to pursue a minor, you must complete the minor declaration paperwork before the end of your sophomore year.
  • Always feel free to reach out to your academic advisor with any questions.

Advice for Juniors

  • Meet with your academic advisor before registering for the spring semester of your junior year for a Degree Check to make sure that you will meet all requirements for graduation.

Advice for Seniors

  • Meet with an academic advisor in the fall of your senior year for a Senior Degree Check.
  • Seniors are permitted to register for courses at the 500 level. Courses at the 600 level are permitted by petition and with permission of the instructor.

Problems and Concerns

If you have any problems involving any part of your program (whether in the iSchool or other schools or colleges) you should contact your Academic Advisor.

Part 3: Student Life at the iSchool

Student Populations at the iSchool

International Students

The iSchool educates students from more than 30 countries and all corners of the globe. We take pride in our rich diversity, which is reflected in the range of nationalities, experiences, and backgrounds of our students and faculty members, and the career opportunities available to our graduates. From faculty research to international study abroad experiences, global collaborations to alumni placement, the iSchool has a strong international presence to complement the extensive international network at Syracuse University.

Center for International Services (CIS)

New students coming to SU for the first time may be filled with anxiety and questions about their first day. What should you bring? Who will meet you? How do you get to campus from the airport? For international students, CIS is the first and possibly most important place you will visit on campus. CIS works closely with all academic departments to assure that international students enrolled at SU can achieve their academic objectives and become an integral part of the SU academic community.  CIS’ primary objective is to assist international students in maintaining compliance with U.S. immigration laws, and provides information and updates on immigration regulations, seminars on immigration topics, and walk-in appointments with an advisor. CIS is the place to go on campus if you have questions regarding curricular practical training (CPT), employment, health insurance, immigration regulations and status, optional practical training (OPT), passports, travel, the I-20, and visas. CIS staff is also the best resource for important check-in documents, information about different offices and points of contact around campus, and information about housing, banking, driving, taxes, and technology. If you have personal, social, academic, health, housing, or financial problems, the CIS staff offers advice and counseling. 

CIS provides all students with an orientation program designed and conducted especially for new international students. This mandatory orientation program is held the weekend prior to the opening weekend of the University. Check the website for the exact time, date, and location of orientation. To ensure you do not miss any important information, be sure to check your syr.edu email account on a regular basis. For more information, visit Center for International Services website.

 Syracuse University Resources for Military Personnel and Veterans

There are a number of resources available to military and veteran students and families, beginning with the initial program inquiry and continuing through degree program completion and beyond. Students can find all of the information below and more at https://veterans.syr.edu/ or ivmf.syracuse.edu.

Career Services

The iSchool believes in teaching students the skills they need to be successful on the job market. We house our very own Career Services to assist students across all of our programs in their career development by providing individual counseling, strategic job search resources, resume and interview preparation, and professional development events.   More information on iSchool Career Services can be found on our website: ischool.syr.edu/careers/career-services/.

Student Groups

Expand your professional and social networks through our Student Organizations.

Domestic Experiential Learning

Visit our Experiential Learning page to learn more about the experiential courses, road trips and immersion opportunities we offer.

Part 4: Other Academic Information

International Experience and Study Abroad

The iSchool strongly recommends that students study abroad as part of their academic program. Many programs are available, ranging from short-term summer programs to more traditional semester-long programs.

Syracuse University Abroad (SUA) maintains centers in Beijing, Florence, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Santiago, and Strasbourg. In addition, SUA is affiliated with the World Partners program, which allows students to study abroad in many other locations. The School of Information Studies does not typically offer iSchool courses at the SUA Centers. However, by planning ahead, you can take courses that will fulfill your liberal arts, minor or general elective requirements. A general description of current SUA programs can be found at http://suabroad.syr.edu. You may also want to schedule a time to discuss options at their office at 106 Walnut Place (315-443-3471).

Renee Crown Honors Program

As an honors student, you take special courses that directly contribute toward the completion of your major. Completion of the Renee Crown Honors Program will be listed on your transcript upon graduation.

 For more information about the Renee Crown Honors Program, and to see if you qualify, visit their website http://honors.syr.edu/ or contact them at the Honors Office at 306 Bowne Hall (315-443-2759).

Double Major and Dual Degree Programs

You may pursue a double major or dual program in two ways:

  1. If you pursue the double major, you will receive one degree with two majors
  2. If you pursue the dual degree program, you will receive one degree with two programs of study

For any of these  options, you will usually need to complete more than 120 credits, and perhaps additional semesters, to meet all requirements.

If you are interested in pursuing one of these opportunities, you should meet with academic support staff in the targeted school or college to familiarize yourself with their academic requirements. Once you have done that, you can meet with your iSchool academic advisor to develop an appropriate plan.

Dual Major Programs at the iSchool

Some students who want to study at the iSchool have passions other than technology. That is why the iSchool has partnered with other schools on campus to create dual major degrees. You can combine your iSchool degree with a major from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications or the Martin J. Whitman School of Management.

Public Communications/iSchool Dual

Students dually enrolled in the School of Information Studies and the Newhouse School of Public Communications program must fulfill the major requirements of both schools. Upon graduating, they receive a bachelor's degree (one diploma) conferred jointly by the two schools. Students may apply directly to the dual programs as incoming first-year students or may add the dual as a current student, after completion of the dual-degree admission requirements.

More information regarding Newhouse/iSchool dual can be found in the Newhouse Handbook: https://newhouse.syracuse.edu/students/undergraduate-advising/handbooks/.

iSchool/School of Management Dual

Students in the School of Information Studies may choose to pursue a dual degree with the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Students who select this option often seek a working knowledge of business with the technical training in information systems to set them apart from standard business school graduates.

Students may apply directly to the dual program as incoming first-year students or may add the dual as a current student, after completion of the dual-degree admission requirements. More information on the iSchool/Whitman dual program can be found here: https://ischool.syr.edu/academics/dual-degree-with-whitman-school-of-management/.

Minors in Other Programs

Many iSchool students decide to pursue a minor in another academic program on campus. An academic minor is an organized sequence of at least 18 credits taken in another academic area.

Sometimes this minor directly complements your iSchool major. In other cases, the minor is only tangentially related to your iSchool major, but it allows a student to pursue an interest in another academic discipline.

Minors are available in over 90 different areas at Syracuse University.

If you are interested in pursuing a minor, check the website of the targeted school or college and familiarize yourself with the program requirements. If you wish to pursue a minor, you need to obtain formal permission from that program. Once you have done so, meet with an iSchool academic advisor to map out a course strategy.

Courses taken toward the minor will normally count towards the general electives in your program. For a list of the undergraduate minors available, visit the Course Catalog.

Minors at the iSchool

Full list of minors that iSchool offers can be found in the Course Catalog. Due to the curriculum overlap, iSchool students are not allowed to pursue Data Analytics and Information Management & Technology minors. iSchool students are allowed to pursue the Information Technology, Design & Startups minor.

Graduate School Preparation

While the vast majority of iSchool students decide to secure full time employment after completing their bachelor’s degree, a significant number of students choose to pursue graduate studies. 

If this is of interest to you, you should meet with your academic counselor to ensure that you are taking courses that prepare you for graduate school.

The iSchool’s Fast Track Program allows qualified students to start their graduate course work while still an undergraduate student. This permits students to earn their master’s degree in an accelerated format. Meet with your academic counselor to plan your coursework if you are interested in this program.

Faculty Partnership Opportunities

IST 337 - iSchool Support Practicum

IST 337 allows students to earn academic credit by assisting an iSchool faculty member as an undergraduate student support person.  This opportunity is available in relation to a number of undergraduate courses.  Undergraduate Student Support assumes responsibility for some activity directly related to the conduct of the class, such as maintaining office hours, providing out-of-class assistance with course assignments, assisting with lab activities, or working as a consultant on team projects.  These experiences provide students with the ability to further develop their skills in a specific area, to develop their leadership skills, and to establish a close professional relationship with a faculty member.

More information regarding the iSchool Support Practicum can be found here: https://su-jsm.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ischool/iSchool+Undergraduate+Student+Support+Program.

Independent Studies

Many of our students desire to explore a problem or problems in depth in the information field. Students should discuss this idea with the appropriate professor, and if the professor approves, develop and submit an independent study plan to be signed by the professor and the undergraduate program director. Independent studies are credit bearing courses.

Part 5: Syracuse University Support Services

The Division of Student Affairs at Syracuse University works with students, faculty, staff, and community partners to deliver programs and services to enhance the student experience at SU. Their work also shapes the culture of our campus community, which is one that cares, understands, and is connected to one another. The Division of Student Affairs fosters students’ intellectual, personal, and professional growth, and prepares students for success on campus and beyond graduation. Most importantly, the division strives to create safe, diverse, and stimulating environments responsive to student needs. The Division of Student Affairs encourages students to take advantage of the variety of programs and services offered, invites questions, and values feedback.

Below is a list of the principal units of the Division of Student Affairs. Each department’s website, address, and phone number is listed, and students should feel free to contact them using this information.


Schine Student Center


Bookstore Website

Provides students with goods and services required for academic success. Here, students can purchase SU apparel and gifts, textbooks and supplies for classes, and graduation regalia.

Career Services

Women’s Building, Suite 214


Syracuse University Career Services Website

Helps students and alumni with career development and planning. It also provides educational programs on professional development, skills, and networking.

Center for International Services

310 Walnut Place


Center for International Services Website

Supports international students as they adjust to the campus and community. The center handles issues such as immigration regulation, passports and visas, insurance, employment, and travel.

Counseling Center

Barnes Center at The Arch


Counseling Center Website

Offers free and confidential crisis counseling, referrals, advocacy, and ongoing assistance for students addressing mental health, sexual misconduct and relationship violence, and substance abuse issues. The center is staffed with experienced, licensed mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, and a consulting psychiatrist on staff. Help is available 24 hours a day.

Student Outreach and Retention (SOaR)

310 Steele Hall


Student Outreach and Retention Website

Student Outreach and Retention helps students no matter the issue or challenge they are facing. Serving as the hub for holistic and integrated student support, SOaR office  is also a great resource if you are not sure where to start with a question or concern. The staff work actively with students, faculty and staff to foster a community of care that encourages, empowers and assists students in their pursuit of success in and out of the classroom.

Department of Public Safety (DPS)

005 Sims Hall


Public Safety Website

DPS is the police force serving the campus and University-controlled properties which works to maintain a safe, secure learning and living environment. DPS’s 42 public safety officers and 14 supporting community services officers are stationed around campus and patrol the surrounding community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The DPS emergency call center is available around the clock to address the community’s safety and security needs. Students can reach DPS by dialing #78 (#SU) from a cell phone, or by dialing 711 from a campus landline.

Department of Recreation Services

Barnes Center at The Arch


Department of Recreation Service Website

Helps students achieve and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle through a variety of programs, classes, and special events designed to fit any interest or skill level.

Disability Cultural Center

132 Schine Student Center


Disability Cultural Center Website

Provides students, faculty, staff, and community members with social, cultural, and educational programming, advocacy, and support related to disabilities and disability cultures. The DCC is distinct from the Office of Disability Services, which provides accommodations and an array of other services.

Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services (EOIRS)

005 Steele Hall


EOIRS Website

Supports SU’s non-discrimination policies: SU does not discriminate on any protected basis, including in admission, treatment, or access to its programs and activities or in employment in its programs and activities. SU prohibits harassment or discrimination related to any protected category, and protected bases include creed, ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, gender, pregnancy, disability, marital status, political or social affiliation, age, race, color, veteran status, military status, religion, domestic violence status, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or perceived gender. Any complaint of discrimination or harassment related to any of these protected bases should be reported to Sheila Johnson-Willis, SU’s interim chief equal opportunity and Title IX officer, who is responsible for coordinating compliance efforts under laws including Titles VI, IX, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Health Services

The Barnes Center at The Arch


Health Services Website

Specializes in college health and serves the needs of SU and SUNYESF students. Its variety of services includes office visits, ambulatory care, laboratory services, allergy treatment, nutrition counseling, and more.

Hendricks Chapel


Hendricks Chapel Website

Provides spiritual programs, counseling, and activities, and hosts events for members of the University community.

Information Technology Services

CST 1-227 Life Sciences Building


Information Technology Website

Provides a variety of support options for students, faculty, and staff. Students can and should contact ITS when they have issues in regards to their NetID, SU email, MySlice, or the wireless network. ITS will also be in contact with students via email for any phishing attempts, and requests that students report those to them as well. If you have issues or questions, email help@syr.edu and include your name and SU I.D. number.

LGBTQ Resource Center

132 Schine Student Center


LGBTQ Resource Center Website

Offers services to those with marginalized genders and sexualities and their allies by offering intentional programs, developing meaningful dialogues, providing education and resources, cultivating leadership, engaging in advocacy, and collaborating with others. 


222 Waverly Avenue


Libraries Website

Offers resources and services supporting research and study for online and on-campus students. Collections include journals, books, business and entrepreneurship information, data and statistics, video, government documents, special collections, archives, including an extensive audio archive, and more. The iSchool subject librarian is available for assistance to all members of the iSchool community; see library.syr.edu/staff/subjects.php for contact information. SU Libraries also offers student employment and intern- ship opportunities.

Office of Disability Services (ODS)

804 University Avenue, Suite 303

315.443.4498 (voice)

315.443.1371 (TDD)

Office of Disability Services Website

SU seeks to promote meaningful access to educational opportunities for all students, and supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This means that no individual who is otherwise qualified shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, solely by reason of having a disability. ODS is responsible for coordinating disability-related accommodations and will issue Accommodation Authorization Letters to students with documented disabilities as appropriate. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact ODS as soon as possible. Students are also welcome to privately discuss their academic needs with their professors.

Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)

548 Bird Library


OMA Website

Provides a wide range of programs to support and promote the academic achievement, multicultural competence, social development, civic engagement, and retention of students from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups at SU as well as community wide programming and events.

Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Services (OCCS)

Goldstein Student Center (South Campus), Suite 206


Student Living Website

Provides problem-solving, education, and support for students who commute from home or live in off-campus housing.

Student Health Insurance Office

The Barnes Center at the Arch, Suite 305


Student Health Insurance Website

The Student Health Insurance Office is available to help answer any insurance related questions. 

Community Standards

804 University Avenue, Suite 106


Community Standards Website

Supports the University conduct system, which is committed to providing a fair and educational process that fosters the highest levels of behavior while promoting a safe environment that respects the rights of all students.

Writing Center

101 H.B. Crouse Hall (On the Quad)


Writing Center Website

Helps students become stronger, more accomplished writers. No matter which form of support a student chooses, writing consultant will work with students at any stage of the writing process.

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