Problem Solving Steps in the Field

  • Student and/or field instructor identifies a problem or concern.

  • Student and/or field instructor discuss the issue.

  • The issue is resolved, or a plan is made to address the problem.

  • If a resolution is not made:

    • Student and/or field instructor consult with field liaison who advises student/field instructor regarding potential solutions.

    • Student and field instructor again discuss issue.

      • The issue is resolved, or a plan is made to address the problem.

      • If a resolution is still not made:

        • Student or field instructor notifies field liaison who schedules joint meeting with both.

        • Field liaison notifies field director and/or concentration chair.

        • Field liaison facilitates meeting with field instructor and student.

      • The issue is resolved, or a plan is made to address the problem.

      • If a resolution cannot be facilitated:

        • Liaison notifies director and/or concentration chair who then consults to develop a plan.


Possible resolutions include:

  • Student is counseled out of the program.

  • A grade of ‘F’ is assigned.

  • Placement is disrupted and student is not permitted to re-enter field until certain conditions have been met.

  • Student is reassigned to a different field placement agency or a different field instructor within the same agency.