AI Design Assistant Module Generator

AI Module Generator

This page presents how the Blackboard Ultra AI Design Assistant tool can help instructors by generating modules. The modules generated with the Ultra AI Design Assistant contain a module topic, module description, and related module image. The tool does not provide the content of the module. 


Important Note

All AI-generated information is opened to inaccuracy and bias. Your role as the expert and instructor of the course is to check and examine all content generated by the Design Assistant to ensure that information provided for learners is clear, accurate, and without bias. 


Table of Contents

Accessing the Module Generator

Open the course for which you wish to auto-generate new modules.

If this is a new, blank course with no content added yet, you will see a button at the bottom of the Course Content area labeled "Auto-Generate Modules" (see right image)

If you have already added other content to the course, click the icon near the middle of the Course Content list to open the add content menu, and select "Auto-Generate Modules." 

This image shows a two orange arrows on a blank Course Content page. An arrow points at the Course Content label, and another points at the Auto-Generate Modules button.

Defining Learning Module Settings

Clicking on the Auto-Generate Modules button will open the Auto-Generate Learning Modules page. On the left side of the page is a menu bar labeled "Define Learning Modules" where you can set the parameters for the modules you want the Design Assistant to generate. 

  • Description: The text-entry box prompts you to enter the course description or the learning objectives. The description can be formatted however you prefer - try copying the relevant information about your course topics and learning objectives from your course syllabus to get started, then refine as necessary. 

  • Title prefix: This drop-down menu provides you options on chunking your course content. You can list and number module titles by topic, unit, week, chapter, or module, or select "none" to leave auto-generated modules un-numbered.

  • Include images: This box can be checked to add a header image for each module. Images are generated by the AI Design Assistant.

  • Include descriptions: This box can be checked if you need to include a brief description with your module heading. Uncheck if this feature is not desirable.

  • Complexity: Shift the complexity slider to alter the language of the module descriptions. "Low" complexity will produce descriptions that emphasize concrete vocabulary terms and learning objectives using simpler language, while "High" complexity will produce descriptions that emphasize more abstract or high-level learning goals and use more academic/technical language. 

  • Number of Learning Modules: Shift this slider to set the number of modules to be generated. 

Once you have entered your course/content description and customized your desired settings, click the "Generate" button at the bottom to automatically create your modules. 

Image showing left panel with call-to-actions taken before auto-generating modules.


Exporting Auto-Generated Modules

If you are satisfied with the results of the auto-generated modules, check the box next to each module you wish to use and then click "Add to Course" in the lower right of the screen. Any modules left unselected will be deleted when you exit the generator. 

Once your modules have been exported, they will appear in the main Course Content area. Auto-generated modules can be edited just like other course content, including updating the titles/descriptions, changing the image, and adding folders, files, assessments, and other learning content within each module. 

NEW:The refresh icon (see right image) on each generated image can be used to create a newer image. Do this prior clicking on the Add to Course button.

AI Generated Modules Example 

1. Once you have scripted your learning outcomes/objectives for the course, type into the Description box those learning objectives (see right image). You can also type other information aside learning objectives.

This example shows a possible description entry based on learning objectives for an anatomy course with modules organized around major muscle groups: 

Five modules, titled and numbered by week, are required.

Complexity is set closer to "High," about 2/3 of the way along the slider. 

The "Include images" and “Include descriptions” boxes are also checked. 



2. Once the black Generate button was clicked, and based the description and settings indicated above, Ultra AI Design Assistant produced 5 modules. Each module has a module title (see right image), a description of the module content, and a related image. 

Other Entry Examples

If you do not want to enter specific learning objectives, here are some possible entries to type into the Description box:

  • 'fundamental statistics for first year undergraduate students'

  • 'Research inquiry for masters course'

In general, the more specific terms you include, the better and more relevant the descriptions from the Design Assistant will be. You can also enter passages, key words and phrases, or an entire table of contents from your syllabus or course text(s). 




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