Connect to OrangeGrid or Zest with VS Code (SSH)

This page provides instructions to access of OrangeGrid and Zest clusters from Visual Studio Code (VS Code) utilizing the Remote - SSH extension. This option allows those looking to continue utilizing the interactivity or familiarity of VS Code a way to configure and run their jobs or transfer data as needed.

The examples below use ''. Refer to the access email you received from Research Computing staff with your node information. 

Secure Connection Required

Note that SSH connections require a campus or secure connection (when off campus). Additional details about each cluster, including details for connecting off-campus, are available on the OrangeGrid (OG) | HT Condor and Zest | Slurm support pages. 

Head Node Code Execution

OrangeGrid and Zest are not intended to be used as a development environment. Activities on the cluster should be limited to submitting jobs, doing light editing with a text editor such as nano or vim, and running small tests that use a single core for no more than a few minutes. Avoid running code and processes directly on the node you are connected to as this can interfere with other users and, in some cases, impact the whole cluster. 

On This Page

Connecting to OrangeGrid or Zest with VS Code (SSH)

Follow the steps below to connect to OrangeGrid or Zest with VS Code. 

1 - Confirm Remote - SSH Extension Installation

First, ensure you have the Remote - SSH Extension installed.

With VS Code open, go to the Extensions view (control + shift + x is the shortcut) and search 'Remote - SSH'. 

If it is not installed, you should see the 'Install' option. In general, you should see the SSH connection button (remote connection button) in the bottom left if the extension is installed. 

remote - ssh vs code marketplace

2 - Configure SSH Settings (Optional)

When connecting to a cluster, you may get some pop-ups regarding program or package versions. You can simply ignore these or configure your SSH connections to ignore them as you won't be permitted to make these types of changes on the cluster.  

If you'd like to avoid seeing these, start by opening your VS Code Settings. You can do this by clicking 'Control + ,' or by navigating to File > Preferences > Settings. 

Next, open the JSON window by clicking either '{}' or the  json settings symbol symbol in the top right hand corner. 

Once in the JSON window, add the following. Be sure to put them in line with the existing settings adding a ',' to the end of the last existing line and save your settings when done. 

Example JSON Settings
	last line of existing,
	"remote.SSH.showUnsupportedWarning": false,
	"git.ignoreLegacyWarning": true,
	"git.showProgress": false,
	"telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
	"telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
	"update.mode": "none",
	"extensions.autoUpdate": false,
	"extensions.autoCheckUpdates": false

3 - Connect to the Cluster with Remote - SSH

To connect, press 'F1' to open the Command Palette at the top of the window. 

Type 'Remote-SSH' to find and select the 'Connect to Host...' option. Note this may be quickly visible if you've done this previously.

remote host option

Once there, you may see a previously configured host. You can use the 'Add New SSH Host...' option to configure a connection for repeat use.

hostname details, vs code ssh

If you previously configured using a SSH key pair, you should connect automatically and/or be prompted for your passphrase. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter your password NetID password. 

password prompt
You should now be connected to the node defaulting to your home directory. Note that NetID/password authentication will work like a normal SSH connection. However, when using NetID/password you will be prompted to re-enter your password if you navigate to new folders or directories.

Additionally, if you receive an OS warning (image below), you can simply choose to not show again and it should no longer show noting that we have tested VS Code interaction with each of our clusters. 

os version warning

Getting Help

Question about Research Computing? Any questions about using or acquiring research computing resources or access can be directed at