Research Computing Home

Welcome to the home page of support documentation for ITS Research Computing at Syracuse University! 

Research Computing at Syracuse University is a collaborative effort between the campus research community and technology groups from across campus. The technology groups include both distributed information technology teams as well as support from Information Technology Services (ITS) which provides research computing infrastructure resources.

Our research computing tools and infrastructure are designed from the ground up to help researchers affiliated with Syracuse University succeed. Available resources include Orange Grid, our high throughput computing (HTC) cluster and Zest, our high performance computing (HPC) cluster, virtual private cloud (AVHE and Crush), and GPU-based computing (SUrge). More details about our service offerings can be viewed on the ITS Research Computing Resources page

On This Page

Getting Started or Just Need Help?

Ask us anything or request access and we’ll follow up quickly with how we can help! If you would like to contact us directly, you may email or fill out our request survey

Research Computing Resource Support

Below you will find support documentation and information for key research computing resources and recommended techniques. For general IT or non-research computing support documentation, see the ITS Help and Support Answers pages.

OrangeGrid (OG) | HTCondor

half orange slice and the word 'grid'Information for the high-throughput computing (HTC) cluster Orange Grid including accessing the cluster, using HTCondor, etc.

Zest | Slurm

light particlesInformation for the high-performance computing (HPC) cluster Zest including accessing the cluster, using Slurm, and more.

More in Github! Looking for code examples? The research computing team has an ever-growing volume of cluster and code examples in our Github repositories, OrangeGrid Examples and Zest Examples

Administrative Support Pages

Documentation and instructions for IT community members working in conjunction with ITS Research Computing staff are available in the /wiki/spaces/RESCOMP/pages/164169376 (restricted).

Getting Help

Question about Research Computing? Any questions about using or acquiring research computing resources or access can be directed to

General IT question? ITS also offers a wealth of help and support documents for non-research specific applications and resources within the ITS Help and Support Answers pages.