Install of a POE Clock

Install of a POE Clock

  • RDT (clock)
  • Stand off board (from TCP)
  • Barrel Key
  • Ethernet Port
  • (a maximum of 48V) over existing Cat5/Cat5e/Cat6 LAN cables to your 100 / 200 Series Terminal

Departments involved

Payroll will be responsible for coordinating any steps below.
Payroll will be responsible for maintaining Tickets created in the Orange Tracker.

  • Payroll orders RDTg (Remote Data Terminal) from TCP
  • IT Operations performs site inspection – verifies wireless support at location or adds wire for POE
    • If wireless is not available or supported, IT Support engages ITS about an access point, if necessary involve Jim P.
  • For wired clocks, ITS Networking ( requires MAC address for static IP registration on the Building Subnet outside of Resnet, and on 10.85.x.x IoT-protected space in Resnet.
  • Payroll schedules time with the Physical Plant to go onsite and have clock installed and Ethernet port installed
  • Payroll emails ITS/Networking to add MAC address for the wired clocks

  1. Insert the barrel key into the bottom of the unit and unlock the two pieces.
  2. Separate the two pieces and lay them side by side as shown in the following illustration.
  3. Thread the Ethernet cable from your switch through the cable access hole in the back plate and under the cable management system as shown below.

  1. Connect the Ethernet cable from the 802.3af switch to the J3 FROM NETWORK port on the Power Over Ethernet adapter board.
  2. Connect the short Ethernet cable from the J2 TO TERMINAL port on the Power Over Ethernet adapter board to the Ethernet port on the motherboard.
  3. Connect the black cable from the POE daughter board to the barrel connector on the motherboard. The terminal should now be powering up. 

  • Configuring the Terminal  If the terminal is displaying Waiting for Host, then it has booted up normally. You will now need to configure the settings in the terminal and in the WinRemote application. For further instruction on doing so, please refer to the TimeClock Plus Ethernet Terminal Installation brochure.