Book, Article and Paper Award Winners

Giovanni Sartori Book Award Recipients

2020: Jennifer Bussell, Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies (Oxford University Press, 2019).

2020 Honorable Mention: Gwyneth H. McClendon and Rachel Beatty Riedl, From Pews to Politics: Religious Sermons and Political Participation in Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

2019: Simeon Nichter, Votes for Survival: Relational Clientelism in Latin America (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

2019 Honorable Mention: Abigail Fisher Williamson, Welcoming New Americans?: Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation (University of Chicago Press 2018).

2018: Alisha C. Holland, Forbearance as Redistribution: The Politics of Informal Welfare (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

2017: Katherine J. Cramer, The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker (Chicago University Press, 2016).

2016: Ronald R. Krebs, Narrative and the Making of US National Security (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

2016 Honorable Mention: Anna Grzymala-Busse, Nations under God: How Churches Use Moral Authority to Influence Policy (Princeton University Press, 2015).

2015: Melani Cammett, Compassionate Communalism: Welfare and Sectarianism in Lebanon (Cornell University Press, 2014).

2014: Katerina Linos, The Democratic Foundations of Policy Diffusion: How Health, Family and Employment Laws Spread Across Countries (Oxford University Press, 2013).

2014 Honorable Mention: Rebecca Abers and Margaret Keck, Practical Authority: Agency and Institutional Change in Brazilian Water Politics (Oxford University Press, 2013).

2013: Kristen Renwick Monroe, Ethics in an Age of Terror and Genocide: Identity and Moral Choice (Princeton University Press, 2012).

2012: Alan M. Jacobs, Governing for the Long Term: Democracy and the Politics of Investment (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

2011: Lauren M. MacLean, Informal Institutions and Citizenship in Rural Africa: Risk and Reciprocity in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

2010: Edward Schatz, ed., Political Ethnography: What Immersion Contributes to the Study of Power (University of Chicago Press, 2009).

2010: Evan S. Lieberman, Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government Responses to AIDS (Princeton University Press, 2009).

2009: Margaret Somers, Genealogies of Citizenship. Markets, Statelessness and the Right to Have Rights. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

2008: Michael Tomz, Reputation and International Cooperation: Sovereign Debt Across Three Centuries (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007).

2007: Gary Goertz, Social Science Concepts: A User’s Guide (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006).

2006: Alexander L. George and Andrew Bennett, Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005).

2005: Henry E. Brady and David Collier, eds. Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004).

2004: James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer, eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 2003).

Alexander L. George Article Award Recipients

2020: Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos and Jody LaPorte, Process Tracing and the Problem of Missing Data, Sociological Methods & Research (published online 12 February, 2019).   

2020 Honorable mention: Rana B. Khoury, Hard-to-Survey Populations and Respondent-Driven Sampling: Expanding the Political Science Toolbox. Perspectives on Politics 18(2) (published online 20 December, 2019).  

2019: Jennifer M. Larson and Janet I. Lewis, Rumors, Kinship Networks, and Rebel Group Formation International Organization (Fall 2018) 72(4): 871-903.  

2019 Honorable Mention: Paul Musgrave and Daniel H. Nexon, Defending Hierarchy from the Moon to the Indian Ocean: Symbolic Capital and Political Dominance in Early Modern China and the Cold War International Organization (Summer 2018) 72(3): 591-626.

2018:Calla Hummel, “Disobedient Markets: Street Vendors, Enforcement, and State Intervention in Collective Action.” Comparative Political Studies 2017, Vol. 50(11) 1524-1555.

2017: Kurt Weyland, “Crafting Counterrevolution: How Reactionaries Learned to Combat Change in 1848” American Political Science Review 110: 2 (May 2016): 215-231.

2016: Thomas Rixen and Lora Anne Viola, “Putting Path Dependence in Its Place: Toward a Taxonomy of Institutional Change” Journal of Theoretical Politics 27: 2 (April 2015): 301-323.

2015: Noam Lupu, “Brand Dilution and the Breakdown of Political Parties in Latin America” World Politics 66:4 (October 2014), 561-602.

2014: Jonathon Mercer, "Emotion and Strategy in the Korean War." International Organization 67:2 (April 2013), 221-252.

2013: Hillel Soifer, "The Causal Logic of Critical Junctures.” Comparative Political Studies 45:12 (December 2012)

2012: Anna Grzymala-Busse, “Time Will Tell: Temporality and the Analysis of Causal Mechanisms and Processes.” Comparative Political Studies 44:9 (September 2011), 1267-1297.

2011: Melani Cammett and Sikriti Issar, “Bricks and Mortar Clientelism: Sectarianism and the Logics of Welfare Allocation in Lebanon.” World Politics 62:3 (July 2010), 381-421.

2010: Dan Slater, “Revolutions, Crackdowns, and Quiescence: Communal Elites and Democratic Mobilization in Southeast Asia,” American Journal of Sociology 115:1 (July 2009): 203–254.

2009: James Mahoney, Northwestern University, “Toward a Unified Theory of Causality.” Comparative Political Studies 41:4–5 (April/May 2008), 412–436.

2008: Giovanni Capoccia and R. Daniel Kelemen, “The Study of Critical Junctures: Theory, Narrative, and Counterfactuals in Historical Institutionalism.” World Politics 59:3.

2007: James Johnson, “Consequences of Positivism: A Pragmatic Assessment,” Comparative Political Studies 39:2 (2006): 224–52.

2006: George Thomas, “What Dataset? The Qualitative Foundations of Law and Courts Scholarship.” Law and Courts 16:1, 5- 12.

2005: James Mahoney and Gary Goertz, “The Possibility Principle: Choosing Negative Cases in Comparative Research.” American Political Science Review 98, no. 4 (November 2004): 653-669.

2005: Henry E. Hale, “Divided We Stand: Institutional Sources of Ethnofederal State Survival and Collapse.” World Politics 56, no. 2 (January 2004): 165-193

2004: Peter Hall, "Aligning Ontology and Methodology in Comparative Research" in James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer, eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 2003).

Koivu and Sage Paper Award Recipients

In October 2019, the section marked the field's collective and enduring appreciation for Kendra Koivu, University of New Mexico, by renaming the award to honor and celebrate Kendra's contributions. Accordingly, awards made in 2019 and earlier are for the Sage paper award. 2020 and later, for the Kendra Koivu paper award. 

2020: Megan Becker, Jonathan Markowitz, Srividya Dasaraju, Lindsay Lauder, Isabelle Nazha, and Sarah Orsborn, "Replicating the Resource Curse: Ross (2004) and Prospects for Qualitative Replication."

2019: Paul Schuler and Chad Westerland, "Reconsidering the Rubber Stamp Thesis: A Consolidation Theory of Expropriations and Legislatures in Party-based Autocracies."

2018: Ana Catalano Weeks, "Why Are Gender Quota Laws Adopted by Men? The Role of Inter-and Intra-Party Competition."

2017: Tasha Fairfield and Andrew Charman, “Explicit Bayesian Analysis for Process Tracing: Guidelines, Opportunities, and Caveats.”

2016: Erica S. Simmons and Nicholas Rush Smith, “Comparison and Ethnography: What Each Can Learn from the Other.”

2015: Markus Kreuzer, “The Structure of Description: Elements and Analyzing and Criteria for Evaluation Historical Evidence.”

2014: Macartan Humphreys and Alan Jacobs, "Mixing Methods: A Bayesian Unification of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches."

2013: Carolyn M. Warner, Ramazan Kilinc, and Christopher Hale, "Religion and Public Goods Provision: Experimental and Interview-based Evidence from Catholicism and Islam."

2012: Derek Beach and Rasmus Pedersen, “What is Process Tracing Actually Tracing? The Three Variants of Process Tracing Methods and their Uses and Limitations.”  

2011: Adria Lawrence, “Political Equality and Nationalist Opposition in the French Colonial Empire.”

2010: Marcus Kreuzer, “Historical Knowledge and Quantitative Analysis: The Case of the Origins of Proportional Representation.”

2009: Robert Adcock, “The Curious Career of the ‘Comparative Methood': The Case of Mill's Methods."

2009: Payam Mohseni and Leah Gilbert, "Contested Concepts: Mapping the Boundaries of Hybrid Regimes"

2008: Dan Slater and Erica Simmons, “Informative Regress: Critical Antecedents in Comparative-Historical Analysis.”

2007: Timothy Pachirat, “Ethnography from Below? Reflections from an Industrialized Slaughterhouse on Perspective, Power and the Ethnographic Voice.”

2006: Giovanni Capoccia and R. Kelemen, "The Study of Critical Junctures: Theory, Narrative, and Counterfactuals in Institutional Theory."

2005: Colin Elman, "Theoretical Typologies in the Qualitative Study of International Politics."

2004: John Gerring, "Causation: A Unified Framework for the Social Sciences."

David Collier Mid-Achievement Award Recipients

2020: Jennifer Cyr
2019: Carsten Schneider
2018:  Jason Seawright
2017: Tim Büthe and Alan Jacobs
2016: Lauren M. MacLean
2015: Thad Dunning
2014: Evan Lieberman
2013: Diana Kapiszewski
2012: Colin Elman
2011: Daniel Carpenter
2010: James Mahoney
2010: Lisa Wedeen

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