Fall 2024 Undergraduate ESP Courses

Fall 2024 Undergraduate Courses (ESP)

Review the course list and plan your schedule according to the 27-credit ESP academic plan. Degree Works does not always accurately reflect ESP course fulfillments, so majors are strongly encouraged to meet with ESP advisors regularly to ensure they are on track. ESP advisors can also help determine if any SU Abroad courses can count toward the major.

Basic Requirements (9 credits)

Environmental Sciences (3 credits)

  • EAR 105—Earth Science TBD · MoWe 8:00–9:20
  • GEO 155—The Natural Environment TBD · TuTh 11:00–11:55 + discussion
  • GEO 215—Global Environmental Change Jane Read · MoWe 12:45–1:40 + discussion

Environmental Studies & Humanities (3 credits)

  • ENG 140—Reading the Environment Mike Goode · MoWe 12:45–2:05
  • GEO 103—Environment & Society Bob Wilson · MoWe 10:35–11:30 + discussion

Data Analysis (3 credits)

  • BUA 345— Business Analytics TBD · TuTh 3:30–4:50
  • CIS 321—Intro. to Probability and Statistics TBD · TuTh 8:00–9:20
  • EAR 402—Numerical Methods in Geosciences TBD · WeFr 2:15–3:35
  • ECN 422—Intro. to Statistics and Econometrics Perry Singleton · MoWe 2:15–3:35
  • GEO 383—Geographic Information Systems Jane Read · MoWe 10:35–11:30 + lab
  • IST 387—Intro. to Applied Data Science Zhasmina Tacheva · TuTh 11:00–12:20
  • MAS 261—Intro. Statistics for Management Stephen Calabrese · MoWeFr 11:40–12:35
  • MAT 221—Elem. Probability & Statistics I TBD · TuTh 9:30–10:50
  • MAX 201—Quantitative Methods for the Social Science Shana Gadarian · TuTh 9:30–10:50
  • PSC 202—Intro. To Political Analysis TBD · MoWe 3:45–4:40 + discussion
  • SOC 319—Qualitative Methods in Sociology William Oliver · MoWe 3:45–5:05 + discussion

Upper-Division Requirements (6 credits)

Science-Policy Integration (3 credits)

  • ESP 300—Intro. To Sustainability Trends Jay Golden · MoWe 8:00–9:20
  • GEO 356—Environmental Ideas & Policy Aaron Vlasak · TuTh 11:00–12:20
  • PSC 302—Environmental Politics & Policy Sarah Pralle · TuTh 2:00–3:20
  • PSC 318—Technology, Politics, & Environment William Lambright · MoWe 2:15–3:35

Senior Capstone (3 credits)

  • ESP 410—Senior Capstone Seminar Tripti Bhattacharya & Farhana Sultana · Mo 9:30–12:30

Electives (12 credits)

To complete the 18 upper-division credit requirement, ESP majors can take only one lower-division elective if they take an upper-division data analysis course. Please note Degree Works may not correctly designate classes according to this rule and majors should always confirm with ESP advisors that they are satisfying all program requirements.

Upper-Division Environmental Sciences Electives (6 credits)

  • BIO 345—Ecology and Evolution Katie Becklin Atkinson · TuTh 9:30–10:50
  • CHE 335—Chemical & Biochemical Analysis with Lab Ulrich Englich · TuTh 11:00–12:20 + lab
  • CHE 347—Physical-Analytical Chem Lab Joseph Chaiken · TuTh 2:15–3:10 + lab
  • CEE 341—Intro. to Environmental Engineering TBD · TuTh 2:00–3:20
  • CEE 457—Biogeochemistry Charles Driscoll · MoWe 3:45–5:05
  • EAR 205—Water & Our Environment TBD · TuTh 2:00–3:20
  • EAR 401—Hydrogeology Aaron Mohammed · TuTh 9:30–10:50
  • EAR 405—Global Change: Geologic Record Christopher Junium · TuTh 11:00–12:20
  • EAR 419—Aqueous Geochemistry Tao Wen · TuTh 12:30–1:50
  • FST 202—Agroecology Joseph Welsh · MoWe 12:45–2:05
  • GEO 317—Geography of Mountain Environments Tom Perrault · TuTh 9:30–10:50

Upper-Division Environmental Studies/Humanities Electives (6 credits)

  • CRS 377—Communication, Nature, & Sustainability Richard Buttny · Tu 2:00–4:45
  • ECN 437—Environmental and Resource Economics TBD · TuTh 12:30–1:50
  • EDI 353—Environmental Factors III Jody Nyboer · TuTh 2:15–3:35
  • EEE 450—Sustainable Enterprise Mark Coleman · MoWe 5:15–6:35
  • EDI 353—Environmental Factors III Jody Nyboer · TuTh 2:15–3:35
  • ESP 400—Environmental Humanities Bob Wilson · TuTh 2:00–3:20
  • FST 303—Food Movements Laura Anne Minkoff-Zern · TuTh 2:00–3:20
  • FST 310—Labor Across the Food Chain Laura Anne Minkoff-Zern · TuTh 9:30–10:50
  • GEO 300—Multispecies Indigeneity Chie Sakakibara · MoWe 11:00–12:20
  • GEO 300—Historical Geography of Latin America Karl Offen · MoWe 11:00–12:20
  • GEO 353—Geography of Environmental Justice Tom Perrault · TuTh 12:30–1:50
  • GEO 422—Water: Environment, Society, & Politics Farhana Sultana · TuTh 2:00–4:45
  • GEO 430—Energy, History, & Society Matt Huber · TuTh 12:30–1:50
  • PSC 318— Technology, Politics, & Environment William Lambright · MoWe 2:15–3:35
  • SCM 440—Green Supply Chain Mgmt. Patrick Penfield · MoWe 12:45–2:05

SCM 477—Global Supply Chain Mgmt. & Risk Mgmt. · Burak Kazaz · TuTh 9:30–10:50