






myslice logo
myslice logo


MySlice is SU's online portal to critical information resources for applicants, students, faculty, and staff. 

Applicant? Applicants can find detailed instructions for logging in for the first time on the Applicant MySlice Login page

Parents? Students, including applicants, can share their access using the instructions found on the Sharing MySlice Access with Parents or Guardians page.






MySlice Login

Log into your MySlice account:


Browser Help

To log in at the link above, use your full Syracuse email address and NetID password. 

For best results, have JavaScript turned on in your browser and disable any popup blockers actively running

Please visit the Managing Browsers Answers Space for assistance with any browser related issues or the NetID Self-Service page to manage your password.



MySlice Support Topics

Below you will find common MySlice support topics. Before proceeding, be sure you are using a supported MySlice browser

MySlice Homepages provide tiles for frequently used services and functions for students, faculty and staff.

Financial Aid 'To Do List'

To view your Financial Aid To Do List, log into MySlice (myslice.syr.edu).  On the Applicant Home select Financial Aid > FA To Do List. You will see the list of items needed to apply for financial aid. Three different ‘Status’ descriptions may be listed. They are:

  • Required: Take immediate action to complete any required items below.

  • Notified: Read this important information as it pertains to your financial aid eligibility.

  • Partial: We have received your document(s); however, items are still required. You have been sent a request for additional information.

  • Received: Required documentation has been received and will soon be reviewed for completeness by our office.

If you have filed your FAFSA, or CSS/Profile, these "To Do List" items will disappear from your list after the Financial Aid Office receives your applications. It may take up to ten days from the time you file these applications until the Financial Aid Office receives and removes the item from your “To Do List.”

Need Financial Aid Help? If you have questions regarding any items on your "To Do List," or are concerned about whether an item was fully completed and received by the Financial Aid Office, you may contact Financial Aid at 315.443.1513 or stop by the Financial Aid Office at 200 Bowne Hall. Additional information is available on the Financial Aid website


Official Transcripts: Information about transcripts for students, including SUPA students, is available on the Registrar Transcripts page under 'How to Order a Transcript'. 

Unofficial Transcripts: Advising transcripts are available exclusively for current students and those with MySlice access.  Review and print a copy of an unofficial transcript from MySlice by logging in to: MySlice  > Student Home > Academics > Transcript > Advising Transcript > Produce Advising Transcript. 

Need Transcripts Help? Please see the Transcripts FAQ or contact the Registrar at registrar@syr.edu.


Help for faculty who need to enter grades can be found at:  Final Grading for Faculty. Faculty receiving object errors can resolve the issue by clearing the cache and cookies of the browser. Instructions for clearing cache and cookies can be found at the Managing Browsers Answers Space

Help for students who want to view and print their grades can be found at:  Student Grades.

MySlice Access

Students may share specific sections of their MySlice account with a parent, guardian, and/or family member, granting them access to areas such as their Financial Aid Portfolio and your Student Account. Step-by-step instructions are available on the 

Sharing MySlice Access with Parents, Guardians, or Family Members


Issues Paying with Credit Cards

Users have the option to make payments with a credit card, including for admissions acceptance deposits or general bill payment. 

If you click the link to pay by credit and nothing happens, you need to enable pop-ups for MySlice. The pay by credit card option will not work if you have pop-ups disabled for MySlice. Instructions are available on the Enabling Pop-Ups page by browser. 

If you continue to have trouble paying with a credit card, please contact the Bursar at 315.443.2444 or bursar@syr.edu. 

Personalize MySlice

The upgraded version of MySlice allows you to personalize your MySlice experience.

How to videos

Two Employee and Student Home Options

In the Add Tile pop-up page you will find 2 instances of Employee Home or Student Home. If an item that you want to copy is not available in one of those instances it will be in the other. This is a known usability issue for which resolution is being investigated.


Managing Favorites

Please Note: Favorites are for the convenience of the end user and after patches/upgrades/security changes, the Favorite may become invalid and need to be removed and rebuilt.

A video that illustrates the options for creating shortcuts to PeopleSoft items can be viewed at Personalize MySlice.

Navigate to the desired page, and then click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner. 

add/update a person drop down menu

Click “Add To Favorites."

 You may change the Description to anything unique that is not more than 30 characters.

Then click the “OK” button.


Please Note: Favorites are for the convenience of the end user and after patches/upgrades/security changes, the Favorite may become invalid and need to be removed and rebuilt.

Navigate to My Favorites.  Click on the compass,, and then on My Favorites,  .

Click on Edit Favorites, .

Use the grid to change the labels, re-order Favorites by assigning Sequence numbers, or Delete.   Be certain to click the “Save” button when finished.

edit favorites selection window
edit favorites selection window


Applications and Functions During a MySlice Outage

MySlice may be unavailable during patches, upgrades, or security changes. Users can login directly to Blackboard, Email, and DegreeWorks.

The following is a list of functions or applications that unavailable during during a MySlice outage.



All users

Faculty and Staff


All users

Faculty and Staff


Course Catalog and Class Search

Financial Aid Portfolio

Student Loan Lenders

Student Athletic Management

Services accessed the University mobile application

Parchment (Transcript Requests)



Academic Integrity

Placement Exams (View My Results)

Housing and MealPlan Services

Orange Success


Human Resources and Payroll Services (Human Capital Management)

Campus Solutions



Self-Service applications

Global Survey


Data Warehouse

Batch Processing

SU Directory


General Ledger

Accounts Payable




Asset Management and Endowments

Faculty Center



Employee Services - Time Entry

Workforce Administrator - Approvals


Effort Reporting



Getting Help

For support of the information above, contact the ITS Help Desk by calling at 315-443-2677, by emailing help@syr.edu, or by visiting us at the ITS Service Center. Further information regarding hours and location can be found on the ITS Service Center page.



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