Support for Faculty Appointments

As of June 20, 2024, important documents have migrated to a "Support for Faculty Appointments" Team. Please contact with questions. 

Reporting Templates

Individuals with access can find templates for reports requested by the memorandum, Academic Affairs Deadlines and Reporting Dates. 

Waivers of posting

All faculty and postdoc hiring must follow the regulations for posting open positions as specified under the Faculty Manual (Section 2.11). Under certain conditions, an administrative waiver can be granted that releases the department/school/college from the requirement of an affirmative-action compliant search before hiring a faculty member.  Instructions to request an administrative waiver can be found in Teams. 

Appointment and Reappointment Letters 

Access to templates for appointment and reappointment letters is limited to approved users.  If you do not have access and you think you should, please ask the budget director or other senior administrator in your dean's office who will then request access by emailing 

Equitable, Accessible Faculty Searches and Inclusive Hiring Practices 

Support for inclusive searching and equitable faculty hiring is available through workshops offered by Faculty Affairs.

Each online (Zoom) workshop consists of four parts for a total of 90 minutes.

  • Part 1: Sharing your why In this part, we review common assumptions and beliefs about the importance of diversity in the community and how to translate that into key actions all search committees need to be successful. 
  • Part 2: Countering Patterns and Norms that surround faculty hiring. In this part participants will review tips and share strategies for writing better job descriptions, how to make skills related to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility a feature of the position, and rethinking strategies for recruitment and outreach, including how to expand social and professional networks. 
  • Part 3: Identifying and Mitigating Common Biases In this part, participants will demonstrate an understanding of biases that are common in evaluative tasks, as well as strategies to identify and mitigate their effects. 
  • Part 4: Acing the Interview In this part, participants will generate ideas for how best to engage finalists with the understanding that doing so will help with longer-term retention.

Contact Marie Garland to request a conversation. Be prepared to recommend some or all of the topics above. #1 is always included.Â