See Law Events for more information related to Facilities.
Departments should create a budget for all events to outlined anticipated expenses, planned expense forms which may include contracts, and funding sources. In order to process expenses through the department should outline their strategic use of funds.
The following template is available for Law department useOrganizing a university event involves defining the needs for the event to include:
Determine/Confirm Budget and Funding Source - verify chartstrings and balances.
Determine/Confirm Event Date, Time, Location, and audience.
Anticipate Associates Expenses - review any expenses that may require an approved contract.
Develop an Event Timeline and Logistics Checklist (including expense processing)
See Contracts for more information on steps needed to get an approved contract in a timely manner.
If you have an allotted budget for your event, you will need to be a good steward of those financial resources to stay within budget. The following event budget template should be used to outline the specifics for the event. The template can be downloaded and saved to your files.
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Other useful links for expense processing include:
Physical Plant use PR and Physical Plant Requests
Campus Catering & Food Services
Century Rental The budget also outlines the forms needed to process the associated expenses. Please note that many expense items should be set up well ahead of the event, and should not wait until the event occurs.
Please work closely with administrative staff in your area to plan appropriately, and reach out to with any questions or verification.
Important note for guest speakers, the reimbursement form used is dependent on the individual event and situation.
For vendors (companies/businesses), see section for Travel and Expense Reimbursement for Business/Consultant.
For individuals, see section for Travel Voucher for Student/Guest (non-employee).