Link to Details Page & Non-Maxwell Website

Faculty Portfolio System

Please note that when Faculty Portfolio System (FPS) integration is enabled in a faculty listing, that FPS Personal Website link will be the one that is displayed.  This field is under the Web Profile Information section in the FPS system.  

There may be instances where you need to include faculty in your listings whose primary affiliation is with another school, college or even other university.  In these cases, you can build a minimal profile in Sitefinity with basic contact information, but then have their profile link go to their FULL profile which is outside of the Maxwell web site.  You can see example of this on the ASPI Faculty listing.

The external link icon at the end of the person's name is an indicator of such a link:

The above example looks like this when editing the person's profile.  The profile is set to link to an external website AND the external website is then provided in the field below.  Please note that you MUST include the "https://" prefix when entering the external address.