South Asia Curriculum Enhancement Grant

The Curriculum Enhancement Grant fosters collaboration with the South Asian Studies at Syracuse University to create and implement curricular projects that integrate South Asia into the Public Administration and International Affairs or the Political Science curricula.

The grant will support a new course OR a substantial new unit of an existing course that would increase the coverage of South Asia in the course to a minimum of 25%. Courses that consider South Asian geopolitics or sustainability are of particular interest. The expectation is that this course will be taught in AY 2024-2025.

The South Asia Center will offer one curriculum grant of up to $1500 to a full time faculty member.

Application Process

Project proposals are due on November 1, 2023  via email to Matt Baxter (

In your proposal, please include the following:

Your name and contact information


Title of the course

A brief summary (3-4 sentences) of the course and its purpose

Identify the course’s student learning outcomes and how they will address both departmental  and South Asian Studies goals.

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