Program Description

PARCC is pleased to announce its annual mini-grant program, which is designed to support faculty and student research in its four focus areas: Advocacy & Activism, Collaborative Governance, Environmental Conflict & Collaboration, and International & Intra-State Conflicts.

This year PARCC will award up to $10,000 in mini-grants ranging from $500 to $2,500 each. Funds may be used for a variety of research activities including but not limited to data acquisition, survey design, hosting conferences at Maxwell, and student assistance. Funds may not be used for general conference travel or faculty salaries.

Proposals will be evaluated and selected based on their consistency with PARCC research areas, potential contribution to scholarship, possibility of future funding, and cost-effectiveness. To view previously funded proposals, please go to the PARCC Mini-Grant Research page.

Application Instructions

Mini-grant applications should be no more than 4 pages (not including references) and consist of two parts:

(1) a Research Proposal (up to 3 pages) that describes the subject of the research, how it connects to the PARCC research area(s), its potential contributions, methods, and anticipated outcomes.

(2) a Budget (up to 1 page) showing how the requested funds would be spent.

Student applicants must include a letter of support from a faculty advisor. Please submit your proposal to with the subject line “PARCC Mini-Grant Proposal.” The deadline for applications is April 15, 2024. A faculty committee will rank proposals and notice of awards will be provided within 3 weeks.

Grantee Obligations

At the conclusion of the project, grant awardees will be asked to present their final work at a PARCC Conversations in Conflict Studies session and to provide one or more contributions to the PARCC blog or a brief (about 500 words) summary for use on the PARCC website. PARCC should be recognized in any published work emerging from the supported research project.

Please contact Catherine Gerard ( and Tara Slater ( if you have any questions.