Field Advisory Committee
To be a forum for in-depth and thoughtful dialogue, responsive to the needs of all stakeholders as a means of striving for excellence in field education.
Create a feedback loop between the School, community agencies, faculty and students to enhance integration of field education and classroom instruction.
Assist in identification of the learning needs of field instructors to maintain quality field education consistent with CSWE standards.
Be involved in recruitment of new field placement sites.
Provide input and support in developing field instructor training and resources.
Examine trends in field education that address current practice methods and issues for service delivery.
Committee Membership
The Field Advisory Committee (FAC) membership is comprised of:
Director of Field Education, will serve as chair of the committee
Director of the School of Social Work
MSW Director
BSSW Director
Internship Coordinators
Non administrative Faculty: two members
Students: minimum of three members representing each level in the program, BSSW, MSW foundation, MSW concentration.
all student representatives must be in good academic standing
serve one- or two-year terms dependent on the students level
must have a recommendation from their academic advisor or field liaison.
Community members: eight to ten representatives either, from area agencies, active field instructors or other stakeholders.
Community members are chosen based on interest and commitment. They represent a broad range of agency settings, diverse populations served and public and private agencies. Interested persons may apply to the chair of the FAC.
Committee Member Responsibilities
The committee will meet every other month during the calendar year.
Member attendance and participation are expected at each meeting. If a member is unable to attend, they must contact the Social Work Office Coordinator prior to the meeting.
Members may be asked to serve on ad hoc committees for special projects, which will be assembled as needed.
Members are expected to weigh all new ideas, opinions, trends from the community and offer insight and recommendations to the Office of Field Instruction.
Agency representatives are expected to serve three (3) year terms. Members approaching their term limit may submit a written request to the committee chairperson for an extension of the 3-year term.
Individuals having served two terms in a row may again serve as a member after a one (1) year period.