Qualtrics Look & Feel


Look and feel in qualtrics



Skins may be applied to your survey to give it a distinctive look and feel.  Skins are organized into libraries.  The Syracuse University installation consists of two skin libraries.

Qualtrics Library – This library contains a number of generic skins that may be applied to your survey.

Syracuse Library – Consists of one basic SU themed skin.

Skins may be applied by clicking the skins library dropdown in the upper left corner.

More information on skins


You may want to customize the standard Syracuse University skin.  Below are a few customizations that you may find helpful.

Add a Text Header

Qualtrics gives you the ability to add header information directly below the SU logo when using the Syracuse University skin.  As you may notice this text is very small and nearly unreadable. 

To increase the size of the Header:

  1. Click the “Look and Feel” button in the upper left hand corner.
  2. In the “Advanced” tab Insert the text of your desired header in the “Header” field.
  3. Click the “Add Custom CSS” button
  4. Paste in the following CSS

 .Skin div#Header {

    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

    font-size: 32px;

    color: #fff;


The results should look something like the screenshot below.

 Change Header Image

To completely change the header image from the standard Syracuse University header, follow the steps below.

  • Click the “Look and Feel” button in the upper left-hand corner.
  • In the “Advanced” tab click the “Add Custom CSS” button.
  • Paste in the CSS below replacing the background-image: URL with the URL of your background image.

You may have to tweak the height: attribute depending on the size and shape of your header image.

 The results should look something like the screenshot below.