Event Promotion

Note: Department events are facilitated and supported by the academic coordinators. Faculty members planning an event should contact their department chair and the academic coordinator for their department to get started. EVENT COORDINATORS: MAKE SURE TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE NEWHOUSE EVENTS GROUP ON TEAMS TO AVOID CONFLICTS. 

Event calendar

Post your event on the Syracuse University community calendar

  1. Choose Newhouse School as the group; this will enable the event to display on the Newhouse website as well as the Syracuse University community calendar.
  2. Upload a horizontal image (recommended size: 2200px (w) x 1466px (h), 72dpi). Do not use the event poster. For assistance with calendar images, contact Madelyn Geyer (mggeyer@syr.edu). 
  3. Virtual/Zoom events should be set up with a registration function; do not post the direct event link. For information on how to set up registration, contact the Office of Special Events (nhspecialevents@syr.edu).
  4. Once an event is submitted, it will be reviewed and posted within one business day.

Digital signage

NOTE: Events submitted to the calendar automatically appear on the screens around Newhouse. You do not need to create a poster.

If you choose to develop signage, do so using the templates available from the Newhouse Style Guide. These templates are required for all event signage. For design assistance, contact Jeff Passetti (japasset@syr.edu).

  • Submit digital signs for posting on Newhouse screens by emailing newhelp@syr.edu. Specify start and end dates.

Social media

Events will be shared twice on Newhouse social media channels: once when they are submitted, and a second time just before the event date.

If you wish to develop additional social media content, submit to Madelyn Geyer (mggeyer@syr.edu) for posting. Note: Social media graphics must comply with brand guidelines. Visit the style guide for guidance. 

Internal promotion

You may wish to share your event via the faculty (nhfaculty@listserv.syr.edu) and staff (nhstaff@listserv.syr.edu) listservs. To share via the student listservs, contact the academic coordinators for each department.

Emailing alumni (for virtual events only)

Syracuse University mandates all email communications with alumni go through the central Technical Systems and Services group. This is a multi-step process that must be planned in advance:

  1. Retrieval request
    Fill out the form at https://suaccess.syr.edu/forms/retrieval.html to request a retrieval of your target audience (i.e. all Newhouse alumni, or alumni in a certain geographic region, etc.). Allow up to 10 business days for completion.
  2. Email build request
    Contact Jeff Passetti (japasset@syr.edu) to request an email build. You must provide: event title, description, date and time, registration link, high-res image (i.e. speaker headshot) and contact name/email for more information (the event organizer). If you are responsible for frequent event emails, please set up an email generator account so you can manage your own email builds. Visit https://emailgen.syr.edu/help/introduction/ for more information. 
  3. Email blast scheduling
    Fill out the form at https://suaccess.syr.edu/forms/email-blast.html to schedule your email. You must provide the code from your retrieval request (step #1, above) and the URL of the email build (step #2, above). Allow at least four business days for scheduling, probably longer (depending on other scheduled emails).