Exam Flags: What Has the College of Law Asked Proctortrack to Flag During Our Exams?
Proctortrack offers a bevy of customization options to accommodate many types of exams, some of which are not relevant to our own exam process. The exam configuration options chosen by the College of Law's exam administrators were selected to support our existing exam process and policies.
Some of the documentation for Proctortrack refers to configuration options which will not be in use at the College of Law. The list below describes available options and the ways in which the College of Law will be making use of them for the Fall 2020 semester.
- For disability accommodation purposes, exceptions to these option selections may be implemented for individual students.
- This list refers only to configuration options within Proctortrack, and is not to be interpreted as an exhaustive exploration of— nor as a substitute for—the College of Law's rules and examination policies. The College of Law's Code of Student Conduct, Honor Code, Uniform Exam Rules, and rules set forth by a faculty member for their given exam remain in effect.
- The configuration options are presented as they appear within Proctortrack. "Enabled" and "disabled" confirm or negate, respectively, the text of each option.
- Examples
- Prohibit [activity/feature]
- "Enable" prohibits the activity
- "Disable" allows the activity
- Allow [activity/feature]
- "Enable" allows the activity
- "Disable" prohibits the activity
- Prohibit [activity/feature]
- Examples
ID Verification / Start-of-Exam Checks
- Require face scan
- Requires facial scan for comparison to previous baseline scan
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Require photo ID scan
- Requires scan of photo ID for confirmation of name and identity
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Require room scan
- Requires exam taker to use webcam to scan entire room and work surface prior to start of exam
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Require knuckle scan
- Requires exam taker to scan knuckles for biometric comparison to previous baseline scan
- Disabled for College of Law exams
Exam Settings
- Allow physical books
- Configured on per-exam basis
- Allow online/digital resources
- Configured on per-exam basis
- Allow handwritten notes
- Configured on per-exam basis
- Allow scratchpad tools
- Allows blank text documents to be used for ad hoc note-taking during exam
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Allow short breaks
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Allow food and drinks
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Desktop monitoring
- Enables screen captures of computer activity
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Allow students to use earphones
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Allow students to take scans or pictures using phone
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Allow students to scan or upload documents
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Prohibit multiple monitors
- Requires students to use only a single monitor; requires physically disconnecting auxiliary monitors
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Prohibit copy/paste
- Disallows copying and pasting features
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Note: Examplify's own copy/paste restrictions remain in place
- Prohibit print screen (screen captures)
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Prohibit printing (creating physical documents)
- Enabled for College of Law exams
- Allow physical calculator
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Allow screen calculator
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Note: Examplify's own built-in calculator remains functional in exams for which it is allowed
- Mobile app required
- Disabled for College of Law exams
- Hide access code/password
- Disabled for College of Law exams