Setting up Blackboard to display your Zoom meeting and recording links - College of Law

In order to ensure a consistent student experience across all classes, and to simplify the start of each class session, please set up the Blackboard site for your course using the instructions below.

Note:  A previous version of this article was posted before the implementation of a school-wide Blackboard course template.  The current version of the article provides instructions for posting content using the template.

  • In the left-hand menu, click to enter the content area labeled "Live Online Class Sessions"
  • Hover your cursor over the link labeled "Link to Live Online Class," then click the gray menu arrow that appears, and select "Edit"
  • In the URL box, paste the meeting URL
    • Please see this article for information on generating and copying the meeting URL
  • Replace the placeholder text in the description box with the specific meeting times for your course
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit
  • Within the Live Online Class Sessions content area, click the folder for Class Recordings
  • Click the menu option for Build Content, then choose Web Link
  • Insert the name "Class Recording [DATE]"
  • In the URL box, paste the recording URL
    • Please see this article for information on retrieving the recording URL
  • In the Description text box, paste the meeting password, if used
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit