Event Scheduling

For more information: https://law.syracuse.edu/student-experience/event-scheduling/

Dineen Hall Event Planning:

Step 1. Basic Event Information/First Steps

What is the purpose of your event? Who is your target audience? Are you a school, department, or organization inside or outside Syracuse University? Is your organization part of the College of Law?

Syracuse University staff, faculty, and students:

Before you begin to request for space in Dineen Hall a sponsor from the College of Law is required. Once you have a College of Law Sponsor you can begin the event planning process. Once the main purpose of your event is laid out, you can start to ask yourself what the next steps look like.

  • Where should the event take place? What time/day?
  • Once you figure out the date and time of your event, the first thing you want to do is fill out the College of Law Event Scheduling/ Room Request form no later than 3 weeks prior to your event. This is on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, the sooner you get the room reservation form in, the sooner you can secure your event location.
  • Room Reserve Form- frevvo (syr.edu)

Payment Information:

 Syracuse University Staff, Faculty and Students (Non College of Law):

  • Please list who we can send the invoice to for payment of: Room fee, AV assistance fee. You will need to complete a requisition for payment if custodial services or facilities furniture moves are needed for your event. You will need to work with your budget office to get the req approved and then send to Kristina Poletto kmpolett@syr.edu and a custodial or facilities request will be placed. For more information on reserving a space, please visit the Event Scheduling and Room Requests page: Event Scheduling and Room Requests - College of Law (syracuse.edu).

Outside Organizations:

Step 2. Custodial and/or Physical Plant Furniture Moves

The room configuration and room condition are the responsibility of the person in charge of the meeting or event. This includes the cleanup and room reset following the event. Rooms should be left in an orderly and clean condition after you leave. If your event includes catering, custodial services are required for clean up during or after your event. For College of Law funded events, you will need to fill out a purchase requisition form with chart string for custodial services/ facilities furniture moves and send it to the Law Budget Office lawbudget@syr.edu for approval. Once they send you the approved requisition, please send it to Kristina Poletto kmpolett@syr.edu no later than 2 weeks prior to the event and a custodial/ facilities request will be placed.

Step 3. Century/Catering Requests

Century Party Rentals:

While you are organizing and planning the details for you event, for example, where and when you want to have your event, keep in mind the room lay out and location. Is your event occurring in the Levy Atrium and you prefer to use Century tables and chairs? If so, you need to order tables and chairs directly from Century Party Rental as SU Catering is not responsible for providing tables and chairs anymore. Please call Jackie or Glen at Century at 315-452-1240 to discuss your event needs. Once you place your Century request, please notify Kristina Poletto kmpolett@syr.edu .

Catering Requests/Alcohol Permits:

To serve alcohol at a campus event, you must comply with the Syracuse University alcohol policy. Liquor licenses must be present and permits for serving alcohol must be submitted AT LEAST 30 days in advance. To submit a permit, please email SU catering at campuscatering@syr.edu. 

You can find catering menus and prices on the Syracuse University Food Services website.

All catering orders should be submitted to campuscatering@syr.edu.

For more detail or additional needs, please reach out to the Catering leadership team members below and they will happily follow up with you:

  • For questions pertaining to sales, please contact Sydney Pajack (slpajack@syr.edu).
  • For questions pertaining to the Dome, the Lally Complex, or the Melo Center, please contact Michael Bomasuto (mjbomasu@syr.edu).
  • For questions pertaining to menus, dietary restrictions, or event planning, please contact Chef Bryan Hammond (bjhammon@syr.edu).

It is important to note that SU Campus Catering will be taking care of the linens for your tables. The cost of the linens will be added to your catering contract. So, make sure you are in communication with Catering on how many tables are ordered through Century so they know how many linens to provide.

Step 4. DPS Policy Dineen Hall

If your event is open to the public and more than 50 guests are expected, or if your event is being held outside the normal College of Law business hours (Monday-Friday 7:00a-7:00p), the sponsor is responsible for hiring a uniformed SU Public Safety Officer.


(Sgt. Andrew Clary, alclary@syr.edu is the Public Safety contact officer). 

You will receive an email with the name and contact information of the officer that will be present during the entire event to restrict access to authorized attendees. After receiving your confirmation from Sergeant Clary, please forward that email and your request for the doors (including unlock and lock times) to Kristina Poletto kmpolett@syr.edu. There is a 3-hour minimum for all events, please make sure the requested times match the security guard’s hour’s. This request must be confirmed at least 5 days prior to the event. *The Dean’s Office has the right to determine which events will require a minimum of 3 hours of Security*

Step 5.  Ensure You Are Planning an Inclusive Event

Please visit the Checklist for Planning Inclusive Events at Syracuse University webpage.

Make sure to add the proper accommodation statement to any promotional materials you create for your event:
"The College of Law strives to make all events inclusive and accessible to all individuals. If you need accommodations or would like more information about accessibility, please contact Annette Jenner-Matthews at arjenner@syr.edu by XX/XX/XXXX"

Other Important Event Information

Off-hour Building Access:

If your event will require off-hour building access, please coordinate with Kristina Poletto kmpolett@syr.edu to get access to the building after business hours. 


Parking fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Syracuse University Parking Office. Please contact Parking and Transport Services at parkmail@syr.edu for additional information.

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