Curriculum by Subject Area
Click each subject area to expand.
Advocacy and Litigation
Advanced Civil Trial Advocacy | Externship Placement |
Advocacy | Externship Seminar |
Advanced Torts | Federal Courts |
Advanced Trial Practice | Federal Criminal Law |
Alternative Dispute Resolutions | Judicial Decision Making |
Appellate Advocacy Skills | Law Practice Management |
Civil Actions: Procedures and Pre-Trial Discovery | Lawyer as Negotiator |
Clinical Program Courses | Lawyering Skills |
Conflict of Laws | New York Civil Practice |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Adjudication | Negotiations, Mediation and Arbitration |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Investigation | Problems in Case Analysis and Appellate |
Domestic Violence | Advocacy Seminar |
Evidence | Trial Practice |
Business Transactions
Bankruptcy Law: Creditors’ Rights and Debtor Protection | Business Valuation Law |
Business, Finance, and Economics | Real Estate Transactions |
Entertainment Law | Secured Transactions |
Federal Government Contracts | Securities Regulations |
International Business Transactions | Sports Law |
Mergers and Acquisitions | Transactional Law Clinic |
Commercial Law
Accounting for Lawyers | Federal Income Taxation II: Taxation of Business Transactions |
Banking Law | Business Transactions |
Business, Finance, and Economics | International Business Transactions |
Commercial Real Estate Practice | International Trade Law |
Commercial Transactions | Secured Transactions |
Corporations |
Constitutional Law and Civil Rights
Advanced Constitutional Law | Environmental Law: Constitutional Issues Seminar |
Advanced Disability Law and Policy | Federal Courts |
Children’s Rights and Family Law Clinic | International Criminal Law |
Civil Rights: Power, Privilege and Law | Investigating and Reopening Civil Rights Murder Cases |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Adjudication | National Security Law |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Investigation | National Security and Counterterrorism Research Center |
Constitutional Law II | Religious Faith and the Practice of Law |
Disability Law | Sexual Orientation and the Law |
Disability Rights Clinic |
Corporate Law
Accounting for Lawyers | Insurance and Society Seminar |
Administrative Law | Intellectual Property |
Banking Law | International Business Transactions |
Bankruptcy Law: Creditors’ Rights and Debtor Protection | International Environmental Law |
Business, Finance, and Economics | International Trade Law |
Commercial Transactions | Law and Market Economy |
Copyright—Literary and Artistic Works | Mergers and Acquisitions |
Corporations—Business Associations | Patents and Trade Secrets |
Corporate Financing Transactions | Patent Prosecutions |
Counterterrorism and the Law | Pension and Employment Benefits Laws |
Disability Law | Perspectives on Terrorism |
Employment Discrimination | Business Valuation Law |
Entertainment Law | Real Estate Transactions |
Environmental Law | Secured Transactions |
Federal Income Taxation II: Taxation of Business Transactions | Securities Arbitration/Consumer Law Clinic |
General Counsel | Securities Regulation |
Insurance Law | Trademarks and Unfair Competition |
Transactional Law Clinic |
Criminal Law and Procedure
Advanced Criminal Evidence | Criminal Defense Clinic |
Advanced Criminal Procedure | Evidence |
Advanced Trial Practice | Federal Criminal Law |
Capital Punishment: Constitutional | Forensic Evidence |
Criminal Procedure | International Criminal/Civil Law and Procedure |
Capital Punishment Seminar | Investigating and Reopening Civil Rights |
Computer Crimes | Murder Cases |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Adjudication | Prosecuting Terrorists |
Constitutional Criminal Procedure–Investigation | Trial Practice |
Environmental Law
Climate Change: Science, Perception and Policy | Environmental Law: Contitutional Issues Seminar |
Environmental Law | International Environmental Law |
Environmental Law and Policy | Natural Resources Law Natural Resources |
Family Relations
Adoption Law | Family Law |
Adoption Law Seminar | Family Law Mediation and Collaborative Law |
Advanced Disability Law and Policy | Family Law and Social Policy Center |
Advanced Family Issues | Service Learning Program |
Bioethics and the Law | Health Law |
Child Health Policy | Interdisciplinary Approach to Aging Issues |
Children and the Law | Lawyering Skills: Planning for the Non-Traditional Family |
Children’s Rights and Family Law Clinic | Psychology and the Legal System |
Domestic Violence | Public Health Law |
Elder Law | Sexual Orientation and the Law |
Elder Law Clinic | Wills and Trusts |
Estate and Gift Taxation | |
Estate Planning |
Governmental Regulation and Administrative Procedures
Administrative Law | Intellectual Property |
Advanced Disability Law and Policy | Labor Law |
Bankruptcy Law: Creditors’ Rights and | Land-Use and Zoning Laws |
Debtor Protection | Law, Politics and the Media |
Communications Law | Military Law and Procedure |
Cyber Security Law and Policy | National Security Law |
Disability Law | Natural Resources Law |
Employment Discrimination | New York Civil Practice |
Environmental Law | Patent Prosecution |
Environmental Law and Policy | Patents and Trade Secrets |
Environmental Law Seminar | Public Health Law |
Federal Government Contracts | Regulatory Law and Policy |
Federal Indian Regulatory Law | Tax Policy and Politics |
Foundations Skills for Attorney Licensing | Tax Practice and Procedures |
Immigration Law | Trademarks and Unfair Competition |
Intellectual Property Law
Advanced Patent Law and Policy | Patent Prosecution |
Communications Law | Patents and Trade Secrets |
Computer Law | Technology Transactions Law |
Copyright—Literary and Artistic Works | Technology Commercialization Research Center |
Federal Income Taxation: Corporate | Trademarks and Unfair Competition |
Internet Law | Transactional Law Clinic |
International Law
Atrocity Law and Policy: Practicing Before International Criminal Tribunals | Law of Armed Conflict |
Canadian Law | Military Law and Procedure |
Central Challenges in National Security | National Security Law |
Comparative Law | National Security and Counterterrorism |
Conflict of Laws | Research Center |
Counterterrorism and the Law | Perspectives on Terrorism |
Foreign Relations | Prosecuting Terrorists |
Immigration Law | Refugee and Asylum Law |
International Business Transactions | Rule of Law in Post Conflict |
International Criminal/Civil Law and Practice | Reconstruction |
International Environmental Law | Taxation of International Transactions |
International Human Rights | Transitional Justice |
International Law | War Crimes Trials Seminar |
International Trade Law |
Labor Law
Disability Law | Employment Law |
Elder Law | Labor Law |
Employment Discrimination | Pension and Employee Benefits Law |
Law and Society
Bioethics and the Law | Investigating and Reopening Civil Rights |
Binary Economics and Property Rights | Murder Cases |
Civil Rights: Power and Privilege | Law and Market Economy |
Concept of a Lawyer | Law and Society Seminar |
Contemporary American Legal Thought | Law and Social Sciences Seminar |
Contemporary Legal Theories | Law, Economics, and the State |
Courts, Community and Injustice | National Security Law |
Disability Law | Products Liability |
Disability Law and Policy | Public Health Law |
Disability Rights Clinic | Race and Law |
Health Law | Sexual Orientation and the Law |
Insurance and Society | Social Deviance and the Law |
Law, Technology, and Management
Advanced Patent Law and Policy | Internet Law |
Communications Law | Law and Market Economy |
Computer Law | Patents and Trade Secrets |
Copyright—Literary and Artistic Works | Patent Prosecution |
Copyright Protection of New Technology | Products Liability |
Federal Income Taxation II – Taxation of | Technology Transactions Law |
Business Transactions | Technology Commercialization Research Center |
Intellectual Property | Trademarks and Unfair Competition |
International and Foreign Intellectual Property Law |
Legal History and Professional Ethics
Contemporary Legal Theories | Professional Responsibility |
Law and Literature |
National Security / Counterterrorism Law
Atrocity Law & Policy: Practicing Before International Criminal Tribunals | International Law |
Bioethics & the Law | Internet Law |
Central Challenges in National Security Law & Policy | Law of Armed Conflict |
Civil Rights, Power, Privilege, & Law | Law of Genocide |
Computer Crimes | Law of the Sea |
Counterterrorism and the Law | Military Law and Procedure |
Cybersecurity Law & Policy/Information Security Policy | National Security & Counterterrorism Research Center |
Federal Courts | National Security Law |
Federal Criminal Law | Perspectives on Terrorism |
Foreign Relations Law | Prosecuting Terrorists |
Health Law | Public Health Law |
Immigration Law | Refugee & Asylum Law |
International Criminal Civil Practice | Smart Grid: Security, Privacy, & Economics |
International Criminal Law | Veterans Legal Clinic |
International Energy Law & Policy | War Crimes Trials |
International Human Rights Law |
Real and Personal Property
Estate and Gift Taxation | Land-Use and Zoning Laws |
Estate Planning Seminar | Patents and Trade Secrets |
Federal Income Taxation I: Individuals | Pensions and Employee Benefits Law |
Information Law and Policy | Real Estate Planning |
Insurance Law | Real Estate Transactions |
Intellectual Property | Trademarks and Unfair Competition |
Wills and Trusts |
Accounting for Lawyers | Not for Profit Organizations |
Pension and Employee Benefits Law | Property and Tax |
Estate and Gift Taxation | Real Estate Planning |
Federal Income Taxation I: Individuals | Real Estate Transactions |
Federal Income Taxation II: Taxation of | Taxation of Foreign Transactions |
Business Transactions | Tax Policy and Politics |
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic |
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