
The information below is a select, abbreviated list of available scholarships.  Please contact for further information on these and other opportunities.

 Striving Solo Parent Scholarship - March 14

Sponsor: Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. 

Scholarship:  Striving Solo Parent Scholarship  

Detailed Description: Attorney Bacalis often provides legal services to single parents, and he has come to appreciate the hard work and sacrifice that goes into raising children on your own. Since Fall 2022, Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. has offered a scholarship of $1,000 each semester to a single parent who is returning to school to pursue a college degree. We hope that the Striving Solo Parent Scholarship allows single parents easier access to higher education. 

Requirements:  Every application must include the following information: applicant’s contact information, unofficial academic transcript, proof of enrollment, and consent to publish the submitted essay. To apply to our Striving Solo Parent Scholarship, please submit an essay of no more than 1,500 words responding to  ONE  of the following prompts:

  • "As a single parent, what do you expect to be the biggest benefits of pursuing a higher education at this time in your life? Before beginning your academic journey, what risks did you consider, and what do you think will be your most daunting challenges? How do you plan to address and overcome those factors?"


  • "How has your experience as a single parent inspired you to pursue a higher education? What do you hope to teach your child(ren) as you go through this experience? How will obtaining further education benefit you and your family?"

Eligibility: The Daniel R. Bacalis Striving Solo Parent Scholarship was created with the intent to offer financial relief to single parents pursuing a higher education. To be eligible for our award, you must be a single parent, and you must also meet the following criteria: 

  • You will be enrolled in an accredited university or college within the United States for the Spring 2024 semester.
  • You are a permanent resident or citizen of the United States.
  • You achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in your most recently completed academic semester. 

Selection Criteria: Each application will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Applicant provided all necessary materials
  • Applicant's essay is written professionally and thoughtfully 
  • Applicant's essay demonstrates creativity and originality 

Deadline: March 14, 2024

To apply for our scholarship, please follow the instructions and submit all materials by March 14, 2024. Please send all inquiries to

Amount: $1,000

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 George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy - March 15

Sponsor: The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) 

Scholarship:  The George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy 

Detailed Description: The George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy is for full-time graduate students with a moderate to profound hearing loss who are attending an accredited law school full-time. The George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy was established to recognize the late George H. Nofer’s service and generosity to AG Bell and to the fields of law and deafness research and education. Mr. Nofer, who at the time of his death was a retired partner of the law firm of Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP in Philadelphia, was a former member of the AG Bell board of directors.


  • You use listening and spoken language as your primary mode of communication.
  • You have a pre-lingual hearing loss (diagnosed prior to your fourth birthday).
  • Your hearing loss must be bilateral and in the moderately-severe to profound range.
  • You have been accepted at or are enrolled in an accredited law school as a full-time student for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

Deadline: March 15, 2024

Please return your letter of recommendation and cover sheet in a sealed envelope to the applicant as quickly as possible so that the applicant is not disqualified due to a late or incomplete application. If you prefer, you may mail the cover sheet and recommendation letter directly to AG Bell at 3417 Volta Place NW, Washington, DC 20007. The cover sheet is a required element for recommendations – letters not accompanied by a cover sheet will not be accepted. 

Amount: $5,000

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 Pullan & Young Supporting Prisoners' Families Scholarship - March 18

Sponsor: Pullan & Young 

Scholarship:  Pullan & Young Supporting Prisoners' Families Scholarship 

Detailed Description:  Both Corey Young and Tracy Pullan have dedicated a substantial amount of their careers to defending individuals accused of criminal offenses. At Pullan & Young, we understand how devastating these cases can be for the children and loved ones of those who have been accused of crimes, especially when a person ends up getting convicted. The Pullan & Young Supporting Prisoners’ Families Scholarship   was established to help students who have loved ones who have been convicted of criminal offenses. We believe that every student should have access to an education, regardless of their circumstances, and our goal is to help make college more accessible and affordable for those affected by incarceration in their family. Each semester, Pullan & Young aims to help these students achieve their educational goals and reach their full potential. This $1000 scholarship will be awarded to one student per semester.

Requirements:  If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please fill out the digital application toward the bottom of this page in its entirety. Along with the application, each applicant must submit an essay of approximately 500 words answering the following prompt:

"Describe the challenges you have faced as a student with a loved one who has been incarcerated and how you have worked or continue to work to overcome these issues. Furthermore, explain why this scholarship is important to you and how it will make a difference in your life." 

The application also requires the following materials:

  • Proof of enrollment
  • Student headshot 
  • Consent to publish your essay and share your name and photo upon winning the award


  • Applicants must have a parent or family member who has been incarcerated
  • Applicants must be enrolled in or accepted into an accredited college or university within the United States for the Spring 2024 semester
  • Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of application

Deadline: March 18, 2024

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach us by email at  

Amount: $1,000 Visit scholarship page 
 2024 Conquering Challenges Scholarship - March 31

Sponsor: Tomeny Best, Injury Lawyers 

Scholarship:  2024 Conquering Challenges Scholarship 

Detailed Description: As Booker T. Washington said, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.“ Adversity often strikes unexpectedly throughout our lives, leaving us with physical or emotional setbacks. These hardships can become hard to surmount obstacles but can also be opportunities for growth and change. Sometimes, we must tap into our inner determination to forage ahead despite setbacks.

At Tomeny Best, we understand the immense power that emerges from these moments of struggle as they pave the way for stories of triumph and perseverance. We watch our clients overcome their physical and emotional hardships daily and would love to hear stories from aspiring students as they enter the next chapter of their lives.

Share your journey of overcoming hardship following an injury or setback, whether physical or emotional. How did you navigate this difficult period, and how did this challenge shape who you are today? This scholarship has an award of $1000.

Requirements: The candidate must submit a 750-1000 word essay response to the prompt:  

  • Share your journey of overcoming hardship following an injury or setback, whether physical or emotional. How did you navigate this tough period, and how did this challenge shape who you are today?
  • The candidate must submit a resumé listing their professional and academic experiences.
  • The candidate must submit a transcript from their current school. First-year college students, graduate students, or individuals who have recently transferred schools may submit an unofficial transcript from their current school and the most recent official transcript from their prior school. High school students must also submit proof of acceptance to their college or university.

Eligibility: The scholarship is open to any current high school senior, vocational student, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and who is enrolled in a vocational program or two to four-year post-secondary institution for the Fall 2024 School Year.

  • Employees of Tomeny Best, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling, and spouse), and persons living in the same households of such individuals (whether related or not) are not eligible to participate in the competition. 
  • Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.

Deadline: March 31, 2024  

To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must email their complete application (including the essay, resumé, and transcript) to by March 31st, 2024. Any applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Scholarship applications should be emailed with the subject line “Tomeny Best – 2024 Conquering Challenges Scholarship Application.”  Please send any questions to as well.

Amount: $1,000

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 2024 Public Spirit Scholarship - March 31
Sponsor: Addair Law 

Scholarship:  2024 Public Spirit Scholarship 

Detailed Description: At  Addair Law , we are passionate about getting involved and supporting community members. We have a strong commitment to serving others and have seen how performing civic duties improves  the lives of individuals and the greater community. People are generally inspired to give back to their comm unity for many different reasons and would like to hear from students about what motivates them to give back or be acti ve citizens. That is why we are proud to bring back our Public Spirit Scholarship.

We want to hear from students interested in public welfare and improving their community for this scholarship. We ask applicants to discuss their involvement in their community, any organizations they are involved in, and the academic value they have learned and/or gained from giving back to others. Some examples of civic involvement include but are not limited to voting, volunteering at a local or nonprofit organization, coaching for a community sports league, tutoring, or fundraising for a charity. 

Requirements:  The candidate must submit a 750 – 1000 word essay response to the prompt: Students should discuss their involvement in their community, any organizations they are involved in, and what they have learned and gained from giving back to others. 

  • The candidate must submit a resumé listing their professional and academic experience.
  • The candidate must submit a transcript from their current school. First-year college students, graduate students, or individuals who have recently transferred schools may submit an unofficial transcript from their current school, as well as the most recent official transcript from their prior school. High school students must also submit proof of acceptance to their college or university.


  • The scholarship is open to any current high school senior, college student, or graduate student residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia enrolled in a two to five-year post-secondary institution for the 2024 school year.
  • Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.

Deadline : March 31, 2024

To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must email their full application (including the essay, resumé, and transcript) to by March 31st, 2024. Any applications sent after this date will not be considered. Scholarship applications should be sent with the subject line “Addair Law- 2024 Public Spirit Scholarship Application.”

Amount: $1,000

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 The First Generation College Student Scholarship - April 1

Sponsor: Kadzai Law Group, LLC

Scholarship:  First Generation College Student Scholarship 

Detailed Description: Attorney David Kadzai appreciates the resilience and hard work it takes to become a first-generation college student. The journey of becoming the first person in your family to attend university is often filled with intimidating challenges and difficult circumstances. Attorney Kadzai hopes to alleviate some of the stress and difficulty of this journey by offering financial assistance to students. His law firm established Kadzai Law Group, LLC First Generation College Student Scholarship to make higher education more attainable for those who are embarking on this journey.

Requirements:  to successfully apply for our scholarship, please follow all application instructions carefully. Students can find our application form at the bottom of the page hyperlinked below, where they will be required to submit their contact information and proof of enrollment. In addition, scholarship applicants must also submit a 3- to 5-minute video answering the prompt below that applies to you:

First Time Freshmen: As a first-generation college student, what challenges do you anticipate throughout your pursuit of higher education? How do you think the experience may benefit you?

All Other Applicants: How has being a first-generation college student challenged you? How has the experience made you a better student and person?

Eligibility: To be considered for our scholarship award, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a first-generation college student
  • You must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university within the United States
  • You must be at least 17 years of age
  • You  must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States

Deadline: April 1, 2024

To promptly reach our scholarship team, please send all questions and concerns to

We highly encourage students to apply well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues. Kadzai Law Group, LLC wishes you the best of luck!

Amount: $2,500

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 NYIPLEF's Diversity Scholarship - April 5
Sponsor: New York Intellectual Property Law Education Foundation (NYIPLEF)

Scholarship:  2024 NYIPLEF Diversity Scholarship 

Detailed Description: NYIPLEF’s Diversity Scholarship provides funds to law students from a broad range of backgrounds who will contribute to creating a more diverse student body, currently enrolled in a J.D. at an accredited law school in the New York area (including Connecticut and New Jersey), in good academic standing, and demonstrating intent to engage in the full-time practice of intellectual property law. The scholarship is intended to be used by the law student for tuition and expenses related to attending law school. Scholarship awards are made at the full and sole discretion of NYIPLEF.

Requirements & Eligibility:  By submitting an application, a Scholarship Applicant certifies that they meet the following application requirements and are submitting the following supporting documents:

  • Have the intention to pursue a full-time career in intellectual property law
  • Currently attending an accredited law school (rising 2L or 3L) in the greater New York area, and in good academic standing
  • No family relationship to an officer or director of NYIPLEF
  • Submission of a professional resume including academic highlights, work experience and extracurricular activities
  • Undergraduate, graduate (if applicable) and law school OFFICIAL transcripts reflecting academic accomplishment
  • One (1) letter of recommendation
  • A short (500 word maximum) essay by the applicant that summarizes their interest in intellectual property law and answers the following questions: How would receiving this scholarship impact your ability to complete law school and pursue a career in intellectual property law? Please share any personal experiences where you have encountered adversity and/or demonstrated resilience, and explain how these experiences have shaped your perspective on diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.
  • Essay should identify the applicant’s name, telephone number and e-mail
  • A written commitment to use scholarship funds solely for tuition and expenses related to attending law school
  • Possess a desire to contribute and enhance a diverse and inclusive law school and legal community

Deadline: April 5, 2024

Remit completed application via e-mail
or mail to:
NYIPLEF Executive Office
229 Seventh Street, Suite 202
Garden City, NY 11530 

Amount: $10,000

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 Judge Bernard S. Meyer Scholarship - April 5

Sponsor: The New York Bar Foundation and The Law Firm, Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. 

Scholarship:  Judge Bernard S. Meyer Scholarship 

Detailed Description: The New York Bar Foundation is pleased to announce the 2024 Judge Bernard S. Meyer Scholarship. Established in 2004 by the law firm, Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., the scholarship will be awarded to a law school student who excels in legal writing and advocacy skills. Previous winners of this scholarship have gone on to hold positions at law firms such as Cravath and Cadwalader, and as in-house counsel at organizations including Cancer Genetics, Inc. and NY Arc. An essay that displays excellence in legal writing and advocacy skills must be submitted for consideration of this scholarship. 

Eligibility:  The scholarship is open to all second-year (2L) students as of spring 2024 semester enrolled in a law school in the State of New York.  

Requirements: Your submission must include the following, as three separate PDF documents:

  1. 1. Application Form
  2. 2. Cover Page
  3. 3. Essay - The essay must display excellence in legal writing and advocacy skills and the topic must relate to the law.  Motions or Briefs will not be accepted. Papers must be no less than 10 double-spaced pages and no more than 25 double-spaced pages (including footnotes, which may be single-spaced) on an 8 ½ by 11 inch document with one-inch margins. The first page must include the title of the essay. All pages must be numbered. The author’s name must not appear anywhere in the essay. If the essay is prepared for academic credit, it is eligible for submission only if submitted for credit during the current academic year (fall 2023/spring 2024). If the essay was prepared as part of paid legal work outside of law school, it is not eligible for consideration. 

Deadline: April 5, 2024

E-mail applications to: Please include ‘Meyer Scholarship” on the subject line.

Amount : $5,000

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 Aspire Higher Scholarship - April 8

Sponsor: The Hatton Law Firm PLLC 

Scholarship: Aspire Higher Scholarship 

Detailed Description: At The Hatton Law Firm PLLC, our team understands the difficulties that many families face and the issues that affect parents as they work to provide for their children’s needs. Our experience representing clients who have suffered serious injuries has given us an appreciation of the sacrifices that parents regularly make to better the lives of their children. We also know the importance of a college education, especially for those who come from low-income households and who are looking to pursue opportunities and improve the lives of themselves and their families. To help people in these situations, we have created The Hatton Law Firm Aspire Higher Scholarship, which provides $1,000 each semester to a college student from a low-income family. The deadline to apply for our Spring 2024 scholarship is April 8, 2024.

Requirements:  All applicants must submit an essay of 500 words or less answering the following prompt:

 "What do you aspire to be? How do you plan to use your college degree to further your career and achieve your life goals?"

Applicants must also submit the following: 

  • Proof of enrollment to an undergraduate or graduate program, which may include an acceptance letter or an official transcript.
  • A statement of financial need explaining why assistance is necessary to ensure that they can pursue a college education. 


  • An applicant must be from a low-income family with an annual income of less than $80,000.
  • An applicant must be at least 17 years old.
  • An applicant must be enrolled in or accepted to an undergraduate or graduate program.
  • An applicant must be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.

Selection Criteria:  Our scholarship team carefully evaluates each application to ensure that a person has met all eligibility requirements. We will review the submitted essays and select a winner based on the quality of the writing and the demonstrated need for financial assistance.

We will review all applications as soon as possible after they are submitted. We expect to announce a winner within 30 days after the scholarship application deadline.

Deadline: April 8, 2024  

 Please review the eligibility requirements for our scholarship. If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact us at

Amount: $1,000

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 Bronx County Bar Association Scholarship - April 9

Sponsor: Bronx County Bar Association 

Scholarship: Honorable Peggy Bernheim Memorial Scholarship and Craig Lensch Memorial Scholarship 

Detailed Description: The Bronx County Bar Association is proud to announce that for the academic year commencing September 2023, we will again award the Honorable Peggy Bernheim Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $7,500 and Craig Lensch Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $7,500. These scholarships are available to eligible, deserving first and second year law students, or third year law students expecting to graduate in May 2024 or June 2024 who are domiciled in Bronx County. The scholarships will be presented at our Annual Dinner on Thursday, May 9th, 2024, at the Marina Del Rey. Recipients MUST attend the Dinner to receive their award. 

Requirements:  Complete the attached application below. In addition, submit a typewritten statement of not more than 500 words on one of the following topics:

  1. What in your background leads you to believe that you will be a successful lawyer?
  2. What do you see is your role as an attorney?


  1. First and Second Year Law Students, and Third Year Law Students expecting to graduate in May or June *
    1. First Year Students must Have Completed One Semester of Study to Be Eligible to Apply.
  2. Proof of Enrollment at an ABA accredited school.
  3. Proof that Bronx County is Applicant's Domicile (driver's license, non-driver's i.d., utility bill, etc.)

Selection Criteria:  Scholarship Committee shall make its determinations based on a combination of the following criteria:

    • Academics;
    • Financial Need;
    • Writing Sample;
    • Personal Interview, if requested; and
    • Law School Transcript

Deadline: April 9, 2024  

Amount: $7,500

Application along with official college and law school transcript and writing sample to be filled no later than April 9, 2024, with Bronx County Bar Association at the above address or emailed to

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 The Honorable David E. Peebles Intellectual Property Scholarship - April 12

Sponsor : The Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association (NDNY-FCBA)

Scholarship: The Honorable David E. Peebles IP Inn of Court Diversity in Intellectual Property Scholarship Program  

Detailed Description: The Honorable David E. Peebles IP Inn of Court Scholarship Program provides up to a $1,000 award to selected scholars currently enrolled in a J.D. or LL.M. program at a law school in the Northern District of New York (Albany Law School, Cornell Law School, or Syracuse University College of Law), in good academic standing, and with a demonstrable interest in intellectual property law. The awards are intended to be used for law school tuition and other related expenses. The selected scholars are also offered student memberships to the Honorable David E. Peebles IP Inn of Court until their date of law school graduation.

Requirements:  Applicants must also submit the following: 

  • an official law school transcript;
  • a professional resume, with updated contact information, highlighting intellectual property-related experience and accomplishments; and, 
  • a personal statement (with a maximum of 500 words) that (a) addresses the applicant's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, how this commitment is reflected in the applicant's academic, personal, and/or professional life, and how the applicant will continue to promote diversity in the legal community and (b) describes the applicant's interest in exploring a career in intellectual property law. 

Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in a J.D. or LL.M. program at Albany Law School, Cornell Law School, or Syracuse University College of Law with good academic standing and an anticipated graduation date in 2025 or later; and,  demonstrate an interest in and commitment to exploring a career in intellectual property law. 

Selection Criteria:  After receipt of a complete application, the applicant will be notified by e-mail that the application will be evaluated. The selection process is conducted on a non-rolling basis following the application deadline above. Any selection decisions will be made by Friday, June 28, 2024 and funds will be disbursed to selected scholars prior to the start of the fall semester (recipients will need to provide their social security number to complete disbursement).

Deadline: April 12, 2024  

 Please submit complete applications, with supporting documentation, to the following e-mail address by Friday, April 12, 2024: Please out to the same e-mail address with any questions. 

Amount: $1,000

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 The LMJ Scholarship - April 14

Sponsor : The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) 

Scholarship: The LMJ Scholarship   

Detailed Description: In 2004, MCCA established the LMJ Scholarship Program and awarded the first scholarships in 2005. The LMJ Scholarship is a diversity pipeline program that seeks to nurture the academic and professional careers of outstanding law students. 

Requirements:  Applicants must also submit the following: 

  • an official law school transcript;
  • a professional resume, with updated contact information, highlighting intellectual property-related experience and accomplishments; and, 
  • a personal statement (with a maximum of 500 words) that (a) addresses the applicant's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, how this commitment is reflected in the applicant's academic, personal, and/or professional life, and how the applicant will continue to promote diversity in the legal community and (b) describes the applicant's interest in exploring a career in intellectual property law. 

Eligibility: The scholarship is open to women and diverse students who have:

  • Been accepted into an ABA-accredited law school in a full-time Juris Doctorate Program (Fall 2024);
  • An outstanding or promising academic record (an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher);
  • An interest in corporate law, including an interest in working in a corporate law department and/or law firm;
  • Demonstrated community service and leadership qualities;
  • Financial need (must provide the 2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form; and
  • Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity 

Selection Criteria: An independent selection committee will evaluate the complete applications and select recipients considering:

  • Financial need
  • Community involvement
  • Essay content
  • Academic achievement and records

Decisions of the selection committees are final and are not subject to appeal. No application feedback will be given. 

Deadline: April 14, 2024  

Amount: $10,000 

The LMJ Scholarship grants scholarships of $10,000 to students for their first year of law school. 

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 2024 Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund - April 15

Sponsor: American Bar Association (ABA)  

Scholarship: 2024 Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund 

Detailed Description: The mission of the ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund is to encourage racial and ethnic minority students who are underrepresented in the legal profession to apply to law school and to provide financial assistance to ensure that these students have the opportunity to attend law school for three years. While the scholarship is not limited to U.S. citizens or permanent residents, foreign students studying in the United States are not eligible.

The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund will award $5,000 of financial assistance annually to each scholarship recipient attending an ABA-accredited law school.  An award made to an entering first-year student may be renewable for two additional years, resulting in financial assistance totaling $15,000 during his or her time in law school.  Although each recipient will not need to reapply for the scholarship in his or her second and third year, the expectation is that the scholarship will be renewed each year if satisfactory performance in law school has been achieved, the student is otherwise eligible, and funding is available.

Requirements:   It is important for every applicant to complete all portions of the application and ensure that all required materials, including at least two letters of recommendation, are submitted ahead of the deadline. Financial information for the applicant and his or her parents is required to evaluate the applicant’s financial need.

Eligibility: In addition to whether the applicant is a member of a racial and/or ethnic minority that has been underrepresented in the legal profession, the applicant’s financial need; personal, family, and educational background; personal statement; and participation in community service activities will be considered in selecting the recipients of the ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarships.  

Deadline: April 15, 2024  

A committee of ABA members will select the recipients.  The decisions of the committee are final.

Amount: $5,000

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 Anthony's Scholarship Living with a Sense of Purpose - April 30

Sponsor: John H. Fisher, P.C. (The New York Injury & Malpractice Law Firm, P.C.) 

Scholarship: Anthony's Scholarship Living with a Sense of Purpose 

Detailed Description: John Fisher  is devoted to fighting for the rights of suicide victims and their families. Suicide is the leading cause of preventable death in our country. Sadly, those suffering from depression and mental health illnesses are often neglected or under-treated in our health system. Mr. Fisher is proud to introduce Anthony’s Scholarship, a scholarship created to educate and provide resources to those suffering from suicidal ideation and depression and their families.

This award is aptly named after one of the many victims of suicide, Anthony Banhart. Anthony cared deeply for his family. He was generous, kind and was always there when you needed him. Anthony was taken by police to the hospital’s emergency department after a suicide note was discovered at his home. Family members and members of the police department warned the hospital personnel that Anthony had plans to end his life and desperately needed emergency medical and psychiatric treatment. Anthony never got the treatment he so badly needed. Without seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, Anthony was released from the emergency department with no follow-up treatment plan and took his own life three days later.

A common myth about suicide malpractice cases is that the patient’s death was inevitable even with proper medical management and counseling. With proper medical and psychiatric treatment, Anthony would likely be alive today.

Accessible mental health care would positively impact susceptible individuals who suffer from suicidal tendencies. Legislation could make health care mandatory for people who need it, profoundly helping them, as well as limiting or regulating access to the firearms which are involved in the leading method of suicide.

Mr. Fisher has established a scholarship in the amount of $2,000 to be awarded to a student  interested in these issues. Applicants should discuss how legislation addressing U.S. health care and/or access to firearms could help prevent suicide.

Requirements: To be considered for this scholarship, fill out the application form (hyperlinked in the page below) and upload your resume, school transcript, and a 500-1,000 word essay with thoughtful ideas on how legislation can be implemented to lower or decrease the rate of suicide in the United States.* All submission documents must be in a readable format, preferably in PDF. 

*Applicants agree to allow John H. Fisher to use all or part of their essays in an effort to promote the Anthony’s Suicide Prevention Scholarship.

If you have any questions, please email

Eligibility: To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must be enrolled in an academic program. This includes current high school seniors and college students with plans to continue their education in the upcoming semester. Applicants must also have maintained a 3.0 or higher GPA in school.

Deadline: April 30, 2024  

We appreciate your interest in the 2024 Anthony’s Scholarship Living with a Sense of Purpose. The winner will be announced on September 8th in honor of National Suicide Prevention Week.

Amount: $2,000

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 Richard D. Hailey Law Student Scholarship - May 1

Sponsor: American Association for Justice's (AAJ)  Minority Caucus

Scholarship: Richard D. Hailey Law Student Scholarship 

Detailed Description: Each year, AAJ's Minority Caucus awards a $5,000 scholarship to a minority Law Student member entering their first, second, or third year of law school.  Additionally, the winner receives a registration and travel stipend to attend the AAJ Annual Convention.

Requirements:: To apply, you must be an AAJ Law Student member (join here), be enrolled in an ABA-approved law school, and submit a complete application package. To submit your application, you will complete the online form and upload the following documents: 

  • A resume 
  • A 500-word personal statement explaining how you meet the criteria (outlined below)
  • Up to three (3) recommendations from a faculty advisor, trial advocacy professor, dean, AAJ member, or trial lawyer; and 

Eligibility: The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who best:

  • Exhibits an interest and proficiency in trial advocacy skills
  • Expresses a desire to represent those who have been injured by the negligence or misconduct of others
  • Promotes accountability and safety
  • Demonstrates a commitment to AAJ and dedication to its mission through involvement in an AAJ student chapter and Minority Caucus activities
  • Shows a financial need for the scholarship 

Deadline: May 1, 2024  

Amount: $5,000

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 Earl Warren Legal Training Scholarship - May 1

Sponsor: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. 

Scholarship: Earl Warren Scholarship 

Detailed Description: The Earl Warren Scholarship is named for the Honorable Earl Warren, the 14th Chief Justice of the United States and former Governor of California whose stewardship of the Warren Court helped end school segregation and transform America’s legal landscape.

In honor of his memory, Earl Warren Scholarships are awarded annually to rising law students whose commitment to racial justice reveal outstanding potential for training as civil rights and public interest attorneys. Eligible law students include those entering their first or second year of full-time legal study at an accredited law school. LDF’s Earl Warren Scholarship awards are $15,000 per year for three years (provided scholars remain in good academic standing and continue to meet scholarship criteria) for a total of $45,000.

Requirements:: To apply, your application must include all items listed below:

  • Completed scholarship application form
  • Copy of law school acceptance letter
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • Copy of transcript from current college/university (finalists will be required to submit an official transcript)
  • Essay
  • Personal Statement 
  • Copy of LSAT score or GRE score
  • Copy of Student Aid Report (FAFSA.) The adjusted gross family/independent income line of your FAFSA form must be completed with a dollar amount or applicants must include a tax return (parent/guardian income tax return for families; applicant's tax return if filed as an independent.)
  • Finalists will be required to submit a recent professional photo. (As a guideline, your face should take up approximately 60% of the frame.) 


  • U.S. Citizen
  • College graduate; undergraduate enrolled in the final year of college/university; or first-year law student
  • Record of strong academic performance
  • Demonstrated an ongoing commitment to racial justice and civil rights
  • Demonstrated financial need

Deadline: May 1, 2024  

Amount: $15,000

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 Charles E. Joseph Employment Law Scholarship - May 1

Sponsor: Working Now and Then, a New York-based organization resource founded by Charles E. Joseph.

Scholarship: Charles E. Joseph Employment Law Scholarship 

Detailed Description:  Charles E. Joseph has dedicated his career to fighting for workers’ rights as a plaintiff’s employment lawyer. His work has protected victims of discrimination, sexual harassment, and wage theft. Charles E. Joseph founded Joseph & Kirschenbaum LLP, a New York firm that has recovered more than $140 million for workers. He also created   Working Now and Then,  a resource on employment law and worker’s rights.

In order to encourage future employment lawyers, the Charles E. Joseph Employment Law Scholarship awards $1,000 annually to a law student who plans to work in plaintiff’s employment law.

Requirements: Applicants should use the form (hyperlinked at the bottom of this page) to submit proof of admission for incoming law students, unofficial law school transcripts for current students, a resume or CV, and their 750-word essay. After submitting, applicants will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 days or you are unable to submit via the form, contact us directly at

Applicants should submit a 750-word essay on the following topic: “What are the biggest challenges facing workers’ rights in the future?” The essay can consider current events, recent case law, social movements, historical developments, or any other aspect of workers’ rights. Working Now and Then will publish the winning essay and honorable mentions on its site. 


  1. Applicants must be currently attending or accepted to an ABA-accredited law school.
  2. Applicants must upload an unofficial law school transcript or a copy of their admission letter, plus a resume or CV.
  3. All applicants must submit an original 750-word essay.

Deadline: May 1, 2024  

Charles E. Joseph and his team will review the submissions and evaluate applicants on the basis of academic merit, future career promise, and the originality and persuasiveness of their essay. The winner and honorable mentions will receive email notification by May 15.

Amount: $1,000

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 Environmental Heroes Scholarship - May 10

Sponsor: Maze Law Offices

Scholarship: Environmental Heroes Scholarship 

Detailed Description:  More than ever before, humans are turning their attention to the environment and the importance of its preservation. A light has been shed on some of the irreparable damage that has already been done and alarms are being sounded to not only cease further harm, but also heal ongoing problems. As the perpetual build-up of waste and pollutants fill our modern world, there are several organizations and individuals across our beautiful nation that are committed to making a difference. These contributors work and innovate to create solutions that may sustain the comforts we have grown used to, while also caring for the earth around us.

One example of a company that has worked to make a difference is Ale-8-One, a popular regional soft drink manufacturer. For 100 years, this Kentucky-based company participated in a program that allowed for the reuse of its 100% recyclable glass beverage bottles. These traditional longneck bottles were purchased and then brought back to participating locations and thereafter returned to the manufacturer to be sanitized and reused. This recycling program eliminated monumental amounts of glass from landfills while also conserving resources. Although this program is coming to a close in 2023, Ale-8-One continues to find ways to help maintain our country’s natural beauty through its participation in the “Commonwealth Collective” recycling program, further proving their commitment to preservation efforts.

Like Ale-8-One, there are a growing number of individuals and organizations making valuable efforts to be environmentally friendly. Now, our team at Maze Law Offices wants to highlight these individuals and organizations through our Environmental Heroes Scholarship! This $1,000 award will be given to the student that writes the best essay about their local environmental hero. To learn more about the scholarship details and how to apply, read below. 


  • The candidate must fill out the form below with all necessary information by May 10, 2024.
  • The candidate must submit a 500 word essay response to the prompt: Write an essay discussing a local organization or individual’s efforts to protect the environment.
  • The candidate must submit a professional resumé that lists their experience, both professional and academic.
  • The candidate must submit a transcript from their current school. First-year college students, graduate students, or individuals who have recently transferred schools may submit an unofficial transcript from their current school, as well as the most recent official transcript from their prior school. High school students must also submit proof of acceptance to their college or university.
  • Preference will be given to student’s either from or attending secondary school in the state.


  • In order to qualify for this scholarship, the applicant must be either a current high school senior, a vocational student, a college student, or a graduate student residing in the United States 
  • Candidates must be enrolled at a vocational school or a two-to-four year post-secondary institution for the 2024 school year.
  • Employees of Maze Law Offices and their parents, children, siblings, spouses, or other immediate family members are not eligible to apply. 
  • The applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or higher and have a positive overall academic standing.

Deadline: May 10, 2024  

The recipient of the Environmental Heroes Scholarship will be chosen during the month following the scholarship deadline. Please send any scholarship questions to with the subject line “Environmental Heroes Scholarship" 

Amount: $1,000

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 2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship - May 31

Sponsor: Sechler Law Firm, LLC (Wills, Trusts, & Elder Law) 

Scholarship: 2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship 

Detailed Description:  At  Sechler Law Firm, LLC , we are driven by a profound mission—to help families make great plans. Our commitment extends beyond estate planning; it encompasses a passion for nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit. It is with this vision in mind that we proudly present the 2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship.

This scholarship is not just an opportunity; it’s a salute to the dedication of those who have served or are currently serving in the military. We recognize the sacrifices you’ve made for our country, and we believe in your potential to achieve your dream of owning a business. 

Our inspiration for this scholarship is to empower individuals to realize their entrepreneurial dreams. We firmly believe that with the right support, education, and strategic planning, you can turn your business aspirations into reality. This scholarship embodies our commitment to making a positive impact on your journey.

From now until May 31, 2024, the 2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship will provide a $1,000 financial boost to deserving applicants. This scholarship isn’t just about monetary assistance; it’s about guiding you on the path to success. We invite you to share your aspirations, your business vision, and your timeline for achieving it.

Your service deserves to be celebrated, and your entrepreneurial spirit deserves to be unleashed. Continue reading to learn more about this scholarship’s eligibility and application requirements. 


  • Essay Response: Submit a 750-1000 word essay addressing the prompt: 
    • Students with previous or current military service are invited to apply for this scholarship. Our firm is looking to give back to veterans who have served or currently serve our country and who also want to follow the American Dream of owning your own business. Please describe your entrepreneurial aspirations, what business you are looking to start, and a brief timeline covering how you plan to do so. 
  • Professional Resumé: Provide a comprehensive resumé detailing your academic and professional experience.
  • Transcript: Include an official transcript from your current institution. First-year college students, graduate students, or recent transfers can submit an unofficial transcript from their current school and the most recent official transcript from their previous school. High school students must also show proof of college or university acceptance.
  • Preference: Priority will be given to applicants from or attending secondary school in Pennsylvania.


  • Applicants must be legal residents of the United States, residing in any of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a vocational program or a two to four-year post-secondary institution for the upcoming semester after the application deadline. This includes current high school seniors, vocational students, college students, and graduate students.
  • To qualify, individuals must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good academic standing.

Please note that the following individuals are not eligible to participate in the competition:

  • Employees of Sechler Law Firm, LLC, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling, and spouse), and persons living in the same households of such individuals (whether related or not). 

Deadline: May 31, 2024  

The recipient of the  2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship  will be chosen during the month following the scholarship deadline.

To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must email their full application (including the essay, resumé, and transcript) to by May 31, 2024. Any applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Scholarship applications should be sent with the subject line “Sechler Law Firm, LLC – 2024 Veteran CEO Scholarship Application.”

Please send any questions to .

Amount: $1,000

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 2024 Cole Schotz P.C. Diversity Scholarship - July 1

Sponsor: Cole Schotz P.C. 

Scholarship: 2024 Cole Schotz P.C. Diversity Scholarship 

Detailed Description: Cole Schotz P.C. is committed to the advancement of diverse law students.¹Fostering diversity in the legal profession contributes to the quality of the profession and strengthens our ability to serve our clients and communities. As part of Cole Schotz’s continuing commitment to diversity equity and inclusion in the legal community, we have created the Cole Schotz Diversity Scholarship. The Cole Schotz Diversity Scholarship is open to a second-year, full time law student in good standing. Consideration is given to the candidate’s academic achievement, involvement in community service, social justice activities, demonstrated leadership abilities and advancement of diversity in the legal profession. (These values are weighted collectively; no one value is predominate). The recipient will receive a one-time $10,000 scholarship.²

¹ We define “diverse law student” as someone who will contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion within the legal profession, including, but not limited to, by virtue of creating a more just and fair legal profession and society at large. 

² Not open to current Cole Schotz employees, immediate family or household members.

Requirements:  Applicants must complete and submit on or before July 1, 2024 the accompanying application form by email with the following mandatory additional items: 

  • Official undergraduate transcript;
  •  Official first-year law school transcript;
  • Current resume
  • A typed personal statement of 750 words or less. The statement must include information about (1) why the candidate wishes to pursue a career in law; and (2) how the candidate’s background, life experiences and/or goals as an attorney would improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of law; 
  • Applicants are welcome to provide information that speaks to financial need including, but not limited to, applicant’s cost associated with tuition, room and board, previously  accrued student debt, and whether the student is a recipient of scholarship(s) at the undergraduate or law school level (including the amounts of such scholarships). 
  • List of all scholarships and grants the application has received or will receive for the next academic year. Please provide the amount of each scholarship and grant. We understand that you may not be aware of next year’s financial aid; just advise us if this is the case. 

Eligibility: To be eligible for the Cole Schotz Diversity Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant must be a full-time student in good standing who will complete their first year of law school at an ABA accredited Law School by July 1, 2024 and who will  commence their second year in the summer or fall of 2024. 
  • The applicant must have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8 at either their undergraduate school and law school. If your grades have been a challenge in law school, we invite you to explain why. Please provide a copy of ranking or transcript for schools that are not on a 4.0 scale.
  • The applicant must be legally authorized to work in the United States or a permanent resident of the United States of America as well as attend an ABA accredited law school in a state where Cole Schotz’s offices are located: Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York or Texas. 
  • The applicant will not (or has not accepted) a diversity scholarship from another law firm. 

Deadline: July 1, 2024  

Incomplete applications may be given less consideration compared to complete applications. Submit completed application and materials by July 1, 2024, to: 

Gayle P. Englert 
Chief Human Resources Officer 
Cole Schotz P.C. 
Court Plaza North, 25 Main Street 
P.O. Box 800 
Hackensack, New Jersey 07602-0800 

Via e-mail 

Amount: $10,000

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