LM_Net Listserv Archive

LM_NET (Library Media Network) began in June 1992 with Mike Eisenberg, then at Syracuse University, and Peter Milbury, then a school librarian in Chico, CA as they merged their local school librarian discussion lists. At times membership exceeded 16,000 from over 65 countries and yet always had a community feel. In the welcome message to new list members, people are reminded that “LM_NET is a list for practitioners helping practitioners, sharing ideas, solving problems, telling each other about new publications and upcoming conferences, asking for assistance or information, and linking schools through their library media centers,” (Eisenberg and Milbury, 2004).  https://www.lsoft.com/customers/lm_net.asp In 2007 Eisenberg and Milbury turned the moderation role to Blythe Bennett at Syracuse University and Michelle Kelley former school librarian in Chico, CA, currently at Butte College.

The following download link contains an archive of LM_Net listserv messages (.html format) from March 1994 to September 2010. Once downloaded, you can open the "LM_NET.html" index file in a web browser. Alternatively, you can use your operating system's search function to search the body of individual messages.

LM_Net Archive 1994-2010

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