
The School of Information Studies Technology Services group offers software product consultation to include: license agreements, approval facilitation, purchasing services, installation and maintenance.

  • All software purchases, this includes cloud-based services and subscriptions must begin with a request, please submit a support ticket via the Orange Tracker web portal or email Orange Tracker (
  • All software, software services or subscription agreements requiring a signature must be referred to the CIO's office for approval and signature.

All software, software services or subscriptions purchased with university funds must:

  • Be reviewed for compatibility with our operating environments as well as any possible duplication of services
  • Be reviewed in terms of use, and safeguards put in place to remain compliant with those terms
  • Be reviewed for accessibility requirements as applicable per university policy (Information and Communication Technology Accessibility Policy )
  • Be reviewed for data security as applicable per university policy (/wiki/spaces/infosec011/pages/159121740 )
  • Be inventoried
  • Be installed on University-owned computers

iSchool's Technology Services will:

  • Only install software, software services or subscriptions for which there is a valid license, and only on University-owned computers. 
  • Maintain records of all purchased software license agreements.

Software not already funded at the University level is funded by school, department or program funds. As a result any requests for additional software, software services or subscriptions will require a defined funding source.