Part Time (Adjunct) Instructor Orientation

Meeting: Orientation and Course Development

Meet with Peggy Takach, Director of Faculty Initiatives, Director of Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL)

Goals of the Orientation Segment

  • Make sure you are fully activated as an iSchool instructor and able to access iSchool resources and Blackboard. 

  • Explain iSchool specific policies and resources available to you as an iSchool instructor

  • Let you know how, where and when the FCTL is here to support you.

Goals of the Course Development Segment

  • Connect you with the Professor of Record (PoR), course syllabus, course schedule and any other items you need to begin your course mapping

  • Explain iSchool specific policies and resources available to you for instructional quality, student learning, student engagement and overall classroom management

  • Provide Blackboard access to past courses, iSchool Online Master Template course and overview to get started 

Course Development Meeting Agenda

Please check off any of the items you wish to go over with FCTL staff during your meeting with us!

⬚   Professional growth session schedule

⬚   Instructional teaching of your course

  • What are you planning to do? Can we help you accomplish specific learning goals?
  • We have lots of methods and strategies we can share with you, and practice with you in the classroom

⬚   Classroom demonstration, if not completed at New Faculty Orientation

  • This could cover anything from walking you to the room itself, showing you the technology and resources available to you in the room, asking you about your classroom setup so we can give feedback, going through connecting any devices you plan to use during instruction to the classroom technology, to explaining what office supplies/technology could be requested through fSupport and IT Services.

⬚   Meeting scheduled for:_________________________________________

FCTL Services and Support Provided 

The Syllabus, Professor of Record (PoR), and You

  • Role of PoR
  • PoR information
  • Syllabus Components

Semester Start

  • Ordering textbooks
  • First week of class
  • First day of class/policies
    • Syllabus review
    • Methods/activities
  • Academic rigor
  • Who are you teaching?
    • International students
    • Academic integrity
    • Engagement from the students
  • Mid-semester

Semester End

  • Submit final grades
  • Course evaluation

Overview of Key Team Members and Program Directors

A quick overview of key staff functions and support (an organizational chart of the school)

iSchool faculty and staff complete directory